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Jiyeon just went to her bed and laid there lazily. She messed her hair and even pulled it slightly.

Stupid stupid, what would she think of you now? You can't even control your jealousy when she's not even yours , she continued ranting. She stopped after a minute and took a deep breath and exhaled softly. She remembered her mother's teaching to her, " You need to endure till the end. You need to have patience and never rush things, even love ."

She got out the book that she started and continued reading it peacefully. She didn't notice that Seola slipped in the room and is now watching her. She almost screamed when she heard someone's voice and turned where the voice came from. Knowing that it was Seola, she just continued staring at her for a while then went back into reading.

"What are you reading?" Seola tried making a topic, her gaze focused solely on Jiyeon.

"Until the Sun falls from the Sky." Jiyeon meekly answers, nervous at the feeling of the intensity of Seola's gaze on her. She's doing it again.

"What is it about?" Seola asks once again, sitting at one of the bunk beds.

"Oh, it's a book about soulmates" she replied, not noticing that Seola spaced out.

The word soulmate keeps ringing on Seola's ears. Now where did she hear it from?


On a rainy evening 15 years ago, a little Seola was reading books when she suddenly heard her mom crying from the living room. She immediately stood up and went to her mom who had her face hidden and sniffs can be heard while her head was covered with her arms.

"What's wrong, eomma?"

Hearing her daughter's voice, her mom jerked her head up and rushly wiped her tears as she smiled on her child, a sad one. She's hesitating whether she should say it or not to her daughter but Seola put her hand on top of her mother's hand urging her to continue what she's about to say. Thinking that maybe her daughter can understand because even at a young age and compared to other kids, Seola's mind is already mature, she continued, "Your father had left us"

She watched Seola's reaction but the younger girl's face remained passive.

"Why did he leave?" She said, still absorbing the news inside her mind.

"He said he didn't love me even once, he tried to but he just can't. Our marriage happened for the sake of you. And now that you've grown, it's enough for him. He'll just give us money for you to spend on the things you need" Her mother added as tears gather again at her eyes.

"I really thought we were soulmates" her mother whispered but Seola heard it clearly.

Soulmates? What's that?

She tried to comfort her mother by hugging her and saying words like "You have me mom, we can still live even without him" and because of that, little Seola reminded herself to read anything about soulmates and why her mother had said it.

After that evening, Seola borrowed books from their school library that are about soulmates and read all of them, each of them has different versions about finding their soulmates or definitions of soulmates.

She can't believe that people believe in these foolish things, even her mother. The most ridiculous thing that she had read while she was searching was this quote:

["What's a soulmate? It's like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. That someone who makes you a better person. No, actually they don't make you a better person. You do that by yourself because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone you carry with you forever. It's one person who knew you, accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them and nothing can change that"

-Dawson's creek]

She scoffed, even her father had left them. If he truly is her mother's soulmate, why didn't he even be content at all? He left just after Seola was already 10 years old and didn't even try to run away before the time of the marriage. She stopped all of what she's doing and she promised herself to never ever believe in things such as soulmates.


She broke out from her daze when she saw Jiyeon staring at her.

"Why are you reading a book about soulmates?"

"Well because I believe in soulmates, my mother told me that they're true." Jiyeon smiles, remembering her mother's words.

Well, my mother was a fool for believing in them, she thought.

She asked, "If your mother didn't tell you that they're true, would you still believe in them?"

She checked if there was a flash of hesitance on Jiyeon's eyes but she found none, instead she found certainty.

"Of course I would still believe even if my mom didn't tell me that they're true, because I think I've already found my soulmate," she said seriously.

Hyunjung who couldn't believe what she had heard had her mouth agape. "When and how did you know that it's your soulmate?"

"Well I'd already found her 2 years ago, and to answer your second question, I just looked through their eyes and I saw everything, that moment I'm 100% sure that she's my soulmate."

"So it's a she? How come you would know everything just by looking through their eyes?" Seola tilts her head to the side, looking at Jiyeon with curiosity.

"Yes, it's really a she, I don't care what the gender is as long as it is truly my soulmate. The eyes speak a million words, unnie. You never know how a person truly feels just by looking at their expression, you can read a person's feelings like an open book even just by looking at their eyes if you feel something for them and by observing them all the time."

"Does that person know that she's your soulmate?" She doesn't know why but she felt something like someone's pinching her heart when she asked that question. She tries to gulp away the feeling of a lump stuck in her throat.

"No, they don't know yet. I will wait till that person realizes her own feelings.'' Jiyeon says firmly, returning her gaze to the open book at her lap.

Somehow by hearing those words, it brings relief to Seola and she smiles a little bit. "You hid it for 2 years already, can you still wait? What if you're wrong? What if she's not the one?"

She's anticipating what the other girl will answer as she stares at her curiously, thinking of possible answers that Jiyeon might say.

Jiyeon just smiled, "I'm never wrong, unnie." Is the last thing Jiyeon says as she went back reading her book.

Hyunjung could only stare as she mindlessly walked to the door and opened it. Thoughts beginning to run wild in her mind.

As Jiyeon heard the door close, she immediately put her hand on her chest to calm her racing heart. 

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