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She heard giggles, but was stopped when someone shushed them. When she heard giggles once again, she rubbed and opened slightly her eyes.

She didn't know that taking a nap in the car would lead to this, being surrounded by the girls as they tried to stop giggling. She tried to straighten her position but was frozen when she felt an arm wrapped around her waist and a head on top of hers.

She had a flashback on what happened earlier. Where Jiyeon had told her that she can lean on her shoulder so that she can catch some sleep. She gasped when their position registered on her mind. Clearing her throat to somewhat hide the blush that's slowly creeping up on her cheeks as she looked at Sojung who was in front of her.

"Is she sleeping?" she whispered.

"Yes, she is. We'd already arrived at the dorm half an hour ago." Sojung says, a smile displaying on her face.

"What? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were both sleeping peacefully and cuddly too. It's going to be a waste if we woke you up, right? " she said chuckling, while the other members just nodded their heads, agreeing.

Hyunjung sighs, "Just go inside first, I'll wake her up. Go now." She motioned them to go away with her hand.

The members just whined but said nothing as they got out one by one until the two of them were left. She can hear her heart beating loudly, ringing into her ears as she also can feel Jiyeon's soft breathing hitting the top of her head.

I need to wake her up, this is affecting me and I don't know why I suddenly feel this all the time I see her, and this amplified more whatever it is that I'm feeling. She thought. I might be going crazy.

She slowly lifted Jiyeon's head and leaned it on the head support of the seat as she removed her hand that was on her waist. She moved back and put a distance on them and tapped repeatedly on Jiyeon's face.

Jiyeon furrowed her eyebrows while her eyes were closed as she murmured, "No, let me sleep. We're still on our way going back to the dorm."

It was enough to make Hyunjung chuckle, "Pabo, we are already here half an hour ago. Get up."

Jiyeon opens her eyes and jerks forward from her seat, i"What? Why didn't you wake me up immediately?"

"I just woke up too, apparently the others were watching us sleeping, and Sojung being the master mind," Hyunjung continued as she rolled her eyes, "They just left because I told them to. Now, come on."

She opened the door and went to their dorm, with Jiyeon following behind, watching Hyunjung's back as they walked.

The sound of someone putting the password on their door and beeping after, marks the cue for the members to pretend that they weren't waiting for them to arrive as they 'continued' what they are usually doing, hanging out in the living room. They watched in the corner of their eyes as Hyunjung went inside first with Jiyeon arriving seconds after. The both of them were wearing stoic expressions as the one went straight to her room and the other one went to Sojung.

"Come with me, Sojung-ah."

Sojung stood up and followed her to their room and the good thing is that the both of them are roommates. Jiyeon closed the door shut behind her as she turned around, staring angrily at the younger one..

"Yah, why did you do that? You should have woken me up from sleep first, instead of showing the members what happened in the van. What if manager-oppa saw that? What will our members think now? What if she avoids me?" She begins blabbering, hands slightly shaking.

Sojung shaked her, "Don't worry. I told the members that it was a prank that I gave you to do to Hyunjung-unnie. They were just there to see the reaction of her, if she will be angry or not. As for manager-oppa, he knows that we always act like this, so it's a normal thing to see."

Jiyeon's furrowed eyebrows started to relax as she heard that, but she remembered something. "You did it again, didn't you?"

"What did I do now?" Sojung asks, chuckling nervously.

"I suppose you took pictures again right? I don't know how you can do it without the manager noticing on the van."

Sojung teases her, "So what are you gonna do about it? Get my phone? It has a password that all of you don't know."

She smirks as she thinks that Jiyeon would retort something, but was surprised by Jiyeon's favor instead.

"I told you to pass me the pictures earlier right? Send me the photos that you took earlier too. Send it now." Jiyeon says in a firm tone.

"Okay, just wait on your bed," Sojung ushered her to sit. Who knows if she'll betray me if I let her stand near?

She opened her phone and then selected the pictures while she kept on checking on Jiyeon, if she stood up or not. But no, the older girl didn't even move an inch. She quickly sent the pictures and Jiyeon's phone beeps signalling there's a message.

Jiyeon checks it and frowns after, "Why is it only two photos? You showed me earlier that you took many."

Sojung's laughter filled the room, "That's what you only get, if I send you all of it, there's no more that I can use if I decide to blackmail you," She stuck her tongue out as she dashed out of the room.

Jiyeon could only sigh as she looked at the picture for half a minute and set it as her wallpaper. She smiled happily as she let herself fall down on the bed, stopping herself from squealing.


She turned her back when she heard the door close, but after a few seconds, she felt the padding footsteps and someone's presence behind her.

"Unnie, I know you're awake," spoke a soft voice.

It was Dayoung, one of the maknaes in their group. She's already mature despite her young age, and she always helps her unnies when they need someone to talk about their problems.

She just grunted as a reply, hoping that Dayounng would leave her and she'll be alone with her thoughts.

The maknae did the opposite as she set aside the curtains on her bed and sat on the end of the bed. "Is something wrong, unnie?"

"There's nothing wrong" she whispered, "I'm just thinking about something."

The younger furrows her eyebrows, "Thinking about what? You know you can say anything to me, unnie."

She sighed and turned, now facing Dayoung as she put her arms as a pillow for her head, "I know you don't have any experience in this but what can you say about love?"

Dayoung looks up, thinking of an answer, "Hmm, love has many meanings but I only have a single definition to it. Love is similar to a soulmate" she paused, now staring on the floor. "You already know that you're fit for each other just by looking in their eyes, seeing your own reflection on their eyes, already knowing what the other is thinking just by gazing in it, you will never be bored when you are with them as time quickly passes by when you spend it with them. And also, you can read them like an open book just by observing their actions," she finished, humming contentedly.

Her opinion is similar to Jiyeon's, don't tell me? She's Jiyeon's soulmate? Hyunjung began to panic and she felt the palms of her hands beginning to sweat.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" The oldest hesitantly asks as she bites her lips slightly to stop it from trembling. She felt relief washed over her when she saw that Dayoung's gaze was fixated at the floor.

Few seconds had passed before the maknae answered, "I believe in both, unnie."

With a pat at Hyunjung's leg as a sign of comfort, she rose up and left.

Different thoughts started to fill Hyunjung's mind and she started not feeling good. She checked if she had a fever but there was none. She can feel an ache in her heart but she doesn't know what was the cause of it. She forced herself to sleep, thinking that she was just tired.

Hyunjung didn't eat dinner that night.

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