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"I think I'm going home now." Louis took one last glance at Harry before grabbing his shoes and leaving without saying goodbye.

Harry felt like an absolute idiot. He finally got to meet the beautiful boy and he ruined it. Everything was great and he just had to say the wrong thing and drive Louis away.

"Where's Louis? I heard the door close." Patrick said as he returned from the kitchen.

"He left. I scared him and he left." Harry looked down in disbelief and shook his head. "I'm so sorry."

"For what Harry? What happened?"

"We were having such an amazing time and I called him pulchritudinous and he freaked out a bit."

"You called him a what?"

"Pulchritudinous. It means beautiful. I like the word because it's like a code. I could call someone pulchritudinous and only they would know what I meant by that. It's not the most pretty word to hear but only they would understand it and I think that's beautiful."

"Louis' not a fan of getting compliments. You didn't do anything wrong. He'll come back around."

"But I said something that he didn't like. I did do a wrong, and I want to fix it."

"So go fix it." Patrick pointed at the door and Harry sighed.

"I just feel like I've made a mess and it's almost as if— a knife twist at the thought that I should fall short of the mark."

"The mark? I don't even know what you're talking about half the time Harry, English please."

"I know I sound like a nutso but his soothing voice is so relaxing, being able to sit by him is what I covet. When he smiles at me it seems like the whole world is mine. When our eyes meet, it feels like the world has stopped turning and everything is right. His mesmerizing, oceanic, blue eyes have locked themselves in my mind. The feelings I'm developing are more than just admiration, I think I'm falling for him like the falling of stars."

"You sappy bitch." Patrick laughed. "How can you be falling for someone you just met?"

"Because, he's so familiar and homely yet so new and exhilarating. It's almost as if we had been lovers in a past life."

Back at Louis' place, Louis sat on his bed with his knees tucked in his chest and silently weeping. How could he have let this go as far as it has in just a few hours? He didn't want to love anyone nor did he want to be loved because he felt that he had nothing to give.

There was no reason for Harry to like Louis. Louis was nothing, nobody.

But to Harry, Louis was everything he'd ever wanted and more. Louis got out of bed and walked back to Patrick's place. He knocked and waited for someone to open the door, hoping that Harry hadn't left yet. The door opened and there he was, Harry stood there with tear filled eyes and pink tinted cheeks.

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