Chapter 4

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Hello everyone, welcome to an all-new chapter I hope everyone is doing well. I'm doing okay, the weather is hot as hell and right now raindrops are hitting my window. #Summer

So today's chapter we are going to pick up where we left off and I will also add Nick Fury's pov where he saw the news about the explosion. it's gonna be awesome.

Anyway, I am so close to 50 followers this is wonderful so shoutout to:


Thank you so much for the follow :)

Anyways let's get to the chapter shall we



Steve's Pov

After hearing the woman shouting Barry's name, all I could do was breathe but I couldn't move I was...petrified. I saw the paramedics put Barry in the ambulance and drove off. 

"Dad I need a ride to the hospital, it's Barry he was struck by lightning, the Paramedics won't allowed me to go with him" The woman said on the phone. Wait she knows barry? I looked at the woman with a questionable look.

"Wait Mardon's dead?" The woman asked. I waved at the woman and she looked up at me "Hang on a second dad, can I help you?" She asked

"I can take you to the hospital." I said calmly but freaking out inside.

"Dad, I'm going to have to call you back." The woman said and hung up "Who are you?"

"My name is Steve Rogers and I happen to know Barry Allen." I said. She gave me a questionable look. "I met him on the train on the way to Central City. I live up ahead and I saw the lightning strike and-"

"Explain later. Take me to the hospital now" She commanded. I got on my bike and she climbed in behind. I saw her in the mirror that was hooked on my motorcycle. She was looking at my shield. She looked at me then shook off whatever thought she had. I drove to the hospital.

3rd Person Pov

The doctors and paramedics wheeled Barry on the gurney with an oxygen mask attached to him.

"What happened to him?" The doctor asked

"He was hit by lightning," The paramedic said 

"How's he still alive?" Another paramedic asked

As the paramedics and doctors placed Barry on the hospital bed, Steve and Iris ran in. Iris was shouting Barry's name.

"Go! no heartbeat. CBC Chem 24. Flatline" The doctor shouted, the other doctors brought in the AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators).

"Charge to 200! Clear!" The doctor shouted.

Iris was sobbing. Steve was trying not to cry, he hugged Iris and Iris sobbed in Steve's chest.

"WE GOT A HEARTBEAT!" the doctor shouted. Iris looked at the window and breathed relief.

Barry's alive.

Nick Fury's Pov 


I was sitting at my desk looking over some files when my computer chimed notifying that I got an email. I looked at the email and saw that Steve replied to the email I sent him.

I don't give a shit anymore Fury, I moved out of New York 2 days ago and moved to a different place. and you know what Fury for once out of my 70 years of my missed life, I am actually happy now unless Tony wants to apologize and clear my name then I don't care what happens to New York. Oh and do me a favor, don't come looking for me unless you really really need help and that is only if the world is at stake other than that, fuck off.

I sighed, I was expecting Steve to say this. Wow, Stark really did a number on him. I didn't reply back, I sat there and re-read the email over and over again when I saw the location. Central City. Why does that place sound familiar. I opened Google, yes we have google here. I typed in the place and saw a picture of S.T.A.R. Labs in the images. Oh yeah S.T.A.R labs thats being run by Harrison Wells. Wasn't that stupid Particle Accelerator suppose to get turned on? Yep thought so, Wells said the Accelerator was suppose to do good for future of Medicine and some other bullshit like that. I think he's full of it, he created tbis Accelerator for something and I'm getting to the bottom of this.

It was past 9pm and I was about to get ready to go home when Coulson ran in (A/N: coulson's alive in this :) )
"Turn on the news now to channel 59" Coulson said in panic
I did as told and saw breaking news.

"Wait, we're now being told to evacuate the facility. The storm may have caused a malfunction in the primary cooling system. The officials are now trying to shut down the particle accelerator but so far we have been unable to regain control of the-"
The channel went out. Then Marie Hill ran in
"Sir, there was a report of an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City" Hill said a little freaked out.
I began to feel slightly uneasy. Steve is in Central City
"Sir what should we do?" Hill asked "this wasn't a normal explosion according to the reports, the wave of the explosion was full of Dark Matter, thats illegal." Hill said.

I knew there wasn't something right about Harrison Wells, it was right there in front of my face. The only person I know that uses Dark Energy is...

Eboard Thawne.

"Sir what should we do?" Hill asked
"Dont worry about the Dark Matter for now I need to find Steve Rogers now!" I yelled slightly panicked
"What does Rogers have to do with this?" Coulson asked
I sighed

"Because he lives in Central City"

Well thats the end of this chapter. In the next chapter, its going to be in Steve's Pov and we are going to see how he's dealing with this situation. So basically I'm filling in the gaps of those 9 months.

Oh and yes Fury knows about Eobard because well...Fury seems like he knows everything. I'm going to make it where he and Eobard had a small showdown and how they met.

I hope you guys like this chapter. Votes and comments are welcome.

And I will see you next time.

(Under Major Editing) Avengers/DC Crossover: Barry Allen/Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now