Chapter 6

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Hello everyone and welcome to a new chapter. I hope everyone is doing well.

Finally the weather here is nice and not storming like it was a few days ago, the storms were strong I was afraid that the power was going to go out and I wouldn't be able to save my work that's why I postponed Take A Closer Look that and I was doing some chapter planning for this book and plus I needed a break from all the typing and stuff but I'm here now.

Anyways, for those who didn't see my announcements yesterday uh I finally saw Endgame. To keep my reaction short: Badass, bullshit, and sad. But I didn't cry, yeah you guys probably don't believe me but I didn't I almost did but I didn't. Watching Endgame I just have this feeling that this isn't the end of the Avengers that includes Tony and Nat, Idk I just have this feeling. Oh and not to mention Steve staying in the 1970s time era and spent his life with Peggy and give us Stony and Stucky shippers the middle finger >_< but the movie was good...

Anyways, I reached to 52 followers so shoutout to:
Thank you so much for the follow it means a lot to me :)

So today's chapter we will pick up where we left off on the last chapter where Fury is at Steve's place more like broke into his place. He warns Steve about this "threat."



Still Steve's Pov

"What do you mean by "it was filled with Dark Matter"?" I asked Fury. 

Fury stood up and looked out of the window then sighed. "Let's just say that Dark Matter is dangerous and can alternate your DNA in so many ways. I feared this day would come" Fury said talking nonsense like he and Tony usual do

"Dark Matter?" I asked wanting more information

Fury groaned "Dark Matter altered humans genetic, chemical or even atomic structuring basically what I'm saying is, they are gonna have abilities that are unexplained ." He explained. I stood next to Fury and looked out of the window, we watched as some people ran or walked. A lot of ambulances drove past. I thought about what Fury had said to me. what if Barry was affected? What if he will have unexplained abilities when he finally wakes up....if he ever wakes up?

"That explains what's happening to Barry" I muttered to myself

"Barry?" Fury asked me looking at me. I realized I had said that out loud.

"Barry Allen, uh he's a friend of mine well kind of, we met on the train on the way here to Central City." I said

"Wow making friends already?" Fury asked. I nodded 

"This Barry kid was nerding out talking about this Particle Accelerator, wanting to see it turn on." I said looking down in sadness. "he was also going on and on about this Harrison Wells dude" I also said and at the corner of my eye, I say Fury tense up. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Harrison Wells, the man who turned on the Accelerator?" Fury asked. I nodded 

Fury took a deep breath "Don't trust that man Steve" he said. Back to talking nonsense, it's not like I'm going to see him on the street and say 'oh hey can I have an autograph, also the explosion almost killed my best friend or pretty much dead cause he's in a coma, OH and Nick Fury said you planned the whole thing and told me not to trust you but here I am asking for an autograph'

"Why?" I asked him curiously. He closed his eyes...or eye for that matter.

"There is a possible chance Harrison Wells could very well be Eobard Thawne." He said, he said that like he's the guy.

(Under Major Editing) Avengers/DC Crossover: Barry Allen/Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now