Chapter 39

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Hello everyone welcome to a new chapter today, as of this chapter the rest of the chapter updates will be slow because it is almost July and I am going to make that month my studying month I have to study for my SATs so be aware everyone updating will be slow, I will also update Take A  Closer Look soon because I added more drawings on my computer that I want to present so stay soon everyone.

As for now here is the chapter everyone



Steve's Pov

I was getting ready to go home after my shift when I heard some gunshots and people screaming. I spotted a girl who looked like Caitlin run out of the building along with the guy she was with. I immediately went to the back door which was the roof of Jitters. I saw down the alleyway a man with his hands up and was surrounded by....the military? 

"Ronald Raymond. Burning Man himself. Half of him, anyway." One of the military men spoke, Burning Man? I remember hearing about him long ago, it was one of Iris's articles she was tying to write but got scrapped. I quickly got my Sheild out and got ready to jump off the roof. I hopped off of the roof and tackled the Military man down to the ground just in time to feel a gust of wind blow right past me. I looked at The Flash then felt the guy throw me off causing me to grunt. I stood up by The Flash

"Look who decided to show up, Captain America himself, dude where the hell have you been! I have been using my free time and my working time, I have a life out of the damn suit to stop robbers which I thought you had a handle of. What happened? catching up on episodes of Friends or something?" The Flash asked me slightly pissed

"Sorry Flash I was doing some investigation which took a lot of my hero time away," I said feeling bad I saw Flash roll his eyes

"Oh excuses" Flash said 

"Bomb!" I heard the man, Ronald I believe that is his name shouted. Flash and I looked up and the bomb exploded in needles. I covered myself with my shield but none of the needles hit me it landed on The Flash instead The Flash fell to the ground and screamed in pain

"Stings doesn't it? Had that one developed especially for you. Micro fragments attracted to kinetic energy. Firestorm was tonight's main objective, but getting you... that's just gravy." The guy said. In the distance I saw a van coming towards us labeled 'S.T.A.R. Labs' I threw my shield at the guy which caused him to fall

"Get in!" Caitlin's voice came from the van

"Go! I'll distract him" I shouted

"No we aren't leaving without you," Ronald said

"Go now Firestorm!" I shouted, Ronald then grabbed The Flash who was covered in head to toe needles. The both men got inside of the van and Caitlin sped off. The man was the ground still which gave me the chance to escape. 

Barry's pov

I was in S.T.A.R Labs covered in needles on the medical bed. I felt Caitlin pick off every single needle which caused me to hiss in pain. 

"You need to hurry, Barry's wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin," Wells said

"This is just like that time I stepped on a sea urchin. Only much worse." Cisco said. I hissed in pain again

"Just don't pee on me," I said 

"Uh, you know that's a myth, right?" Cisco asked. I turned and looked at him he is dumb. Caitlin yanked a needle out of my neck causing me to yell in pain. 

(Under Major Editing) Avengers/DC Crossover: Barry Allen/Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now