Chapter one

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—3rd P.O.V—

On Privet Drive in Little Whinging, in house 4, lies a boy being comforted by a girl. The boy was shaking, having just recieved a brutal beating from his uncle, the little girls father. The boys name being Harry James Potter, and the little girl's Anna Lillian Dursley.

The girl looked no older than seven. The boy looked fourteen. But in truth, Harry was fifteen, while Anna has just turned eleven. And she was a witch, a freak according to her family.

Anna gently ran her fingers through Harry's unruly hair. She was scared, no, she was terrified. She has been showing signs of magic. And her father says he's going to start to beat the magic out of her.

She looked down at Harry, his back scared, bleeding, almost in shreds. And it was his birthday in an hour. He was still shaking, tears streaming down his face. He's been taking the beatings for Anna since she started having accidental magic at four.

They always thought it was Harry, until he left for Hogwarts and it was still happening. They found out it was their small six year old that was producing magic. That was when the starving started.

Not long after she was doing all the chores. Then her father would hit her, not exactly beating, but would slap her. Then she was locked in Harry's  Cupboard. It's why she's small compared to other eleven year olds.

Anna looked over at the clock in their small room. It was 11:59. She looked back down at Harry, who was surprisingly still awake. She leaned down and kissed her cousin's head and started to hum a gently lullaby.

She watched the clock strike 12:00. "Happy birthday Harry," she said in a small voice. He looked up at her and gave her a tired smile.

Soon his eyes widened before closing in pain. Anna was immediately worried. "Harry what's wrong, has the pain gotten worse," she asked frantically. She went to touch his shoulder when his magical aura hit her.

It was so suffocating she blacked out. Harry eventually passed out. The pain was unbearable.

When he awoke, it was four in the morning. He went to go push up his glasses when he realized they weren't there. And he could see everything clearly.

He looked around the room. That's when he noticed Anna on the floor, obviously passed out. He gently picked her up and layed her on the bed. He gently moved some hair away from her face. His eyes widened when her hair slowly started to change, from the light brown, almost blonde, hair he has gotten used to, to a light red.

He smiled, she was a metamorphmagus. He soon stood up. He felt taller than normal. He quietly walked over to the mirror in the room.

He let out a silent gasps as his eyes widened in shock. He was definitely taller, and not sickly thin. He actually looked sixteen, maybe even slightly older. His unruly black hair was now very dark brown in color and tameable. He had sharper features. His eyes were now a cloudy gray, not the Avada Kedavra green he grew up with.

But those weren't his only changes. His Canines were sharper, he had black demon-like horns sprouting out of his hair, and black feathered wings. He closed his eyes before breathing in deeply. He opened his eyes once he was calm. He turned his neck slightly to see some form of scales on the back of his neck, running just barely on top of his shoulders, and slightly down his back.

He darted his eyes to the door when he heard footsteps coming towards the door. They stopped outside the door, the sound of the locks unlocking taking over the silence.

He held back the urge to growl. Whoever was out there, they were on his territory. They were possibly a threat to him or his sister.

Soon the door opened and in walked four people. Remus, Tonks, Auther, and Severus. Remus gasped when he caught sight of Harry. The others were just staring in shock.

Harry's eyes were analyzing them. Yes, he knew them, but they could hurt Anna. He growled lowly. They backed up in shock, only this caused them to get a more vicious growl. They had backed up towards the bed.

They stopped moving. None of them aware of why he was growling at them. Harry circled them, stopping in front of the bed. That's when Remus took notice of the extra scent in the room. The one that was coming from the bed.

He noticed the girl asleep on the bed. Her hair fanning around her like a halo. Remus figured that what ever creature he was, was more than likely protecting that girl.

"Cub, we're not here to hurt you, or her. We're here to take you to Gringotts, you can take her with you," he said. Remus's eyes flashed amber. Moony taking slight control. He tilted his neck up, showing he was no threat.

Harry stopped growling. He turned and checked on Anna. He knew she needed to be awoken. "Lily, you need to get up, we need to get out of this house," he stated, slightly shaking her.

She opened her eyes, but you could clearly see she was not all there. She opened arms, an indication that she wanted to be picked up. Harry chuckled as he bent down and picked her up, him putting her on his hip. She layed her head on his shoulder.

"Let's go," Harry said. Auther and Tonks were staring in shock. This was not the same boy they have gotten to know.

"Before we go Harry, can I ask who she is, and who she is to you," Remus said gently. Harry had a dark look go through his eyes.

"She's Anna Lillian Dursley, my baby cousin, she's practically a sister. And she's a witch," he said gently. They watched as Harry softly moved some hair out of her face.

"Does that mean," Remus didn't need to finish his statement for Harry to understand what he was getting at.

"She doesn't get hit as hard or as many as I do, I've been able to prevent getting worse. But she's eleven, and she looks like she's seven. Damn muggles, they don't understand, it hurts," Harry grumbled at the end. Tonks had gasped, this poor child.

"Can we go now, please," Harry said looking over to the others. They nodded. Remus put a hand on both Anna and Harry. And with that, they apparated.

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