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Newt was getting ready, in a few minutes he'd be walking down the aisle to get married to the man of his dreams.

Remembering all the memories, happy and sad, all that they had been through. They'd been together for two years.

Before, Newt had been with someone else, they'd been together for five years before Newt broke it off when the man proposed. It wasn't the fact he didn't love the man, he was scared and nervous about commitment and what it meant.

Newt always thought he'd get married to the love of his life, but as he got ready to walk down the aisle he couldn't help remembering the memories.

A beautiful sandy beach, a picnic, a whole evening spent together and he got down on one knee and asked the question, crying when Newt gave his response.

Then another memory invaded his mind, out to dinner, too many people, all the pressure he got on one knew and asked the question, crying when Newt gave his response.

It was time, the doors opened and Newt walked down the aisle to get married.

Thomas looked down the aisle and saw Newt, he looked so handsome, a stunning white suit and a gorgeous blue tie, blonde hair falling ever so slightly into his eyes.

As Thomas watched Newt walk down the aisle he couldn't help but remembering, Newt's four words that brung them to this moment. "I can't do this."

Being Aiden's best man was more than Thomas could wish for, he deserved to be happy with Newt.

Newt got up to the aisle and faced the man who everyone was convinced he loved, even Thomas, even himself, at times.

The vicar started speaking and after a couple sentences Aiden was saying. "I do."

"Newt Isaacs, do you take Aiden Edwards to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I, um, I-I..." Newt looked into Aiden's eyes that were silently begging me to carry on, then he looked over to Thomas, the boy he truly loved. Newt saw the confusion in his eyes, "don't. Sorry I can't do this."

Collective gasps of shock and surprise carried through the room as Newt said those harmful words, he turned and started running. Aiden grabbed his lower arm, but Newt gave him a look that told him to let go and he did.

Thomas had no clue what was happening and decided to go after Newt, Aiden grabbed his arm as well but Thomas just told him to get off and ran after Newt.

Thomas found Newt sitting on the edge of a peak bridge, legs dangling either side of a pole that held the rain long up, his head leant against the pole.

"Newt, are you okay?"

"Do I-I look o-okay t-to you, T-Tommy?" The use of Thomas' old nickname made a whole new wave of pain course through the two boys.

"Newt, why?"

"I don't l-love him, I n-never did. I love y-you, but I-I stuffed t-that up when I-I s-said no."

"You weren't ready. I understand how you felt, I know why you did what you did. I'm forever sorry and disappointed in myself for making you uncomfortable. I always imagined being married to the love of my life, but then you got engaged again and I realised that I'd never be married to my one true love."


"Yes Newt?"

"Will y-you marry me, r-right here, right n-now?"

"Are you sure Newt?"

"One hundred p-percent certain." Newt's tears had almost gone and he started to stand up, grabbing onto Thomas' arms as he did so.

When Newt realised what he grabbed he immediately let go. "Why'd you let go Newt?"

"I don't want you to get angry."

"Why would I be angry?" Concern was evident in Thomas' voice.

"Because I touched you and you hadn't told me to."



"I'm not Aiden, I don't care." Those six words made relief flood through Newt and Newt launched himself into Thomas' arms kissing his face and lips.

"I love you Tommy."

"I love you too Newt." With that they both walked back to the wedding and entered, the ceremony had been paused.

Newt stood up at the end of the aisle on the altar and spoke in a loud clear voice so everyone heard and actually listened. "I am Newt Isaacs, this man here is Aiden Edwards, I do not want to marry him because I do not truly love this man and I feel like I would be treating him unfairly by marrying him. I am in love with another man and have been for many years, this man proposed to me two years ago. I said no because I was scared and nervous, now I realise my horrible mistake. The man I love is called Thomas and I would like to marry him right now like I should've."

Most of the audience clapped and cheered, but the minority were more disapproving and shouted out rude words and booed.

The vicar asked for objections but surprisingly none came, Aiden stood by and declared he was now Thomas' best man, not seeming to mind that his fiancé was getting married to his best man.

Eventually everyone had settled completely and the whole ceremony started over again. Newt looked into the eyes of the man he truly loved and go so lost that he didn't here what the vicar was saying.

All Newt knew was the fact that Thomas was saying. "I do."

Newt then tuned back in and listened to the words that the vicar should've said way before. "Do you Newt Isaacs take Thomas Green to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

With no hesitation I answered a confident. "I do."

Lots of the audience cheered, clapped and whistles for us. We were happier than ever, I was married to the right man.

I was married to my one true love, forever and always.

A/N: It annoys me that this story is 999 words long...

Also, there are two one-shots with this title, it's not a glitch. It's just I didn't know which direction to take it and the other version will have two parts to it because I've left it on a cliffhanger.

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