Who Knew? (Dylmas)

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Who knew that we'd end up broken, apart? We were the power couple we were going to be together forever. But no. We both stuffed up, game got in the way, we just couldn't hold on much longer. Maybe they'll try to keep us together and they might carry on "shipping" us, but for now...we are no longer together. Only three days and I'm already feeling numb from the amount of pain that courses through me.

Who knew I'd wish to be with you again? But I can't. You obviously moved on quick, it's been a month. Where is your heart? Do you not feel even a slight tinge of guilt? I feel guilty when I look at someone who isn't you, I don't know what I've become, but I hate it. Yet at the same time, I can't get rid of it, it's the part that loves you. The part I choose to keep even if it causes my heart to break and my eyes to water.

Who knew I'd go back to our first date in a dream? Wanting to be still with you, it's been five months since the break up, I know you've found your new love, maybe she's right for you, but I always thought you were gay. That first date was and still is the best day, the highlight of my life, we put a padlock, engraved with our names, onto a chain fence where other padlocks linked and then threw away the key, none of us knowing where we could ever find it again.

Who knew that it'd be two years and I still cry myself to sleep? I still feel the massive amounts of heartbreak when I hear your name or a feature similar to yours. Just yesterday I walked past your mum, I took two more steps before the tears started falling, I ran and ran and eventually collapsed just inside my front door. I can't stand the thought of you being fully in love with this...girl.

Who knew what I might go through? I surely didn't, I would've never guessed, I mean we were engaged for all of a year and seven months, but that's gone. It's been five years since that fateful day and I just can't seem to get over it, you're now engaged again, to a girl, weird. You always told me I was yours and you were mine and that we'd stay together forever, I guess that was a lie we both kept telling ourselves, seeing as you look a lot happier than you ever did with me.

Who knew I'd stand on the edge of a building fifteen years later? No one would stop me, they think I'm too old for suicide. You got married seven years ago, I saw it in the news. Loads of people have forgotten about me, they say that I've basically disappeared. You're marriage broke me and now hearing that you've got your second child on the way. Not everyone has a happy ending especially not me. Maybe I should just end it here, I thought you'd come save me, but you've also forgotten, because it still hurts and the future you have gained was meant to be ours, not just yours.

Who knew you'd see me? After all these years, you'd recognise me, you'd save me. Who knew that it turned out not to be you that grabbed me? Instead you're first son, your exact replica, only at four years old, asking me to get down and not fall, to talk to him. His name was Thomas. Thank you Dylan, for never forgetting me, but this has only caused more pain.

Who knew that you and you're family, wife and children, would stand at my grave praying I was still alive? Every year you all visit, I've loved watching your children grow. I just wish I was still with you, and we were watching our children grow.

A/N: Okay so um...I don't know what to tell you other than schools getting in the way so much. I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to release something, I'm probably going to write another Newtmas one shot and publish it on Sunday, but don't hold me to that, hopefully it'll be a long one.


There is literally only one other Dylmas one shot in this book and I just think this idea worked so well with Dylmas rather than Newtmas. Life doesn't always work out and I mean this is kind of a representation of that and people can still feel pain for a very long time if they really loved someone and then had to let them go when they still loved them.

I've been writing so much sad stuff lately even though nothing bad has been going on in my life, I just find it easier to write this kind of stuff rather than happy and fluffy stuff. I think I might try to write more fluff as I go along so get ready for that, I guess.

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