A Lawyer, A Madman...And Prison

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Newt didn't know if he could be any more nervous.

Finally the time had come where he had to step up and prove this madman's innocence. Personally, he didn't want to defend him as he was more than guilty for the crimes held against him, but Newt couldn't have an opinion.

Thomas was the name of the madman he was defending. He didn't know much about him, only that his parents both died when he was young and he grew up in an orphanage.

The other things he knew where age, gender, name and the crimes he had committed. But Newt was there to say that everything was wrong and his client was innocent and not mad at all.

It was easy when people were actually innocent, hard when they were guilty, but completely impossible when they were practically a serial killer with a bonus of stalker.

You see, Thomas had his own camera company, he set up surveillance in homes that had a high burglary risk or something similar. The reason people went for it was because his prices were pretty affordable.

Only one flaw, Thomas didn't make it so the camera footage was stored and kept and looked at by the government for your safety, no. He spied and peeped on everything you would do or say.

Sleeping, eating, dancing, working and yes even when doing your business, he was watching. Now, the court had some strong evidence to say he had been doing this, but of course Newt had to try to prove them wrong.

To be logical the only evidence they could possible have to know if Thomas had been "spying" was if they caught him in the act because how else could you tell the difference of spying and just observing or keeping someone safe.

Turns out court can have a lot of evidence on that very topic, which Newt found out when trying to defend his, not going to lie to himself, hot client.

Of course Newt lost the case and Thomas was found guilty. I mean every house that had cameras of his company in it had suffered horrible accidents and Thomas always seemed to be near the scene or had left evidence pointing to it being him, ten of his over fifty targets had died unfortunately.

Not long after the court had decided Thomas was guilty, Newt decided that enough was enough, as of late all of his clients had been found guilty and in some cases they really weren't, he just thinks the court has something against him.

So Newt did something no one thought would happen, as soon as the judge dismissed everybody Newt walked straight up to judge and got right in his face.

"You and you're little friends have something against me and I'm going to find out what, you mark my words. You'll be sorry when I do find out," Newt's voice was low and menacing yet the judge seemed unaffected

"Are you threatening me?" The judge barely raised an eyebrow or even held surprise or anything in his voice.

"Maybe," Newt felt confident.

"Well then," he nodded over to a couple policemen, "gentlemen, this man is threatening me," Newt turned his head round to the policemen rolling his eyes then looked back to the judge.

"Mark my words, you and the court will be sorry for making my clients all guilty, even the innocent ones."

About a year later, Thomas and Newt had gotten extremely close, they had ended up in the same prison and it caused them to have a great friendship.

Turns out Thomas wasn't nearly as mad as Newt thought and turns out he was nice and hadn't done anything wrong at all.

Yes he did have his own camera operation, but all the clips went to the government and Thomas had none of them in his possession, but he had been framed by a few people because he went against a gang that he used to be a member of.

Turns out he ratted then out and half of them went to prison while the other half escaped and are hiding out.

Newt felt pity for Thomas and wished he could try and help him out, but that'd never happen now.

It came to the end of Newt's sentence, while Thomas got a life sentence, Newt's was simply 13 months for threatening a judge of court, law and justice.

In the last month Thomas and Newt had gotten really close and one day they found themselves making out, hidden from sight, outside in a couple bushes. They had managed to sneak there every time they were outside together, whilst the guards weren't looking and in that last month it became clear that they liked one another.

Every month after Newt had been released he visited Thomas and told him how much he missed him and how much he wished he could be with him.

There was one day when a guard, that had been one of Newt's old friends, that was on duty and he let Newt come round so that Thomas and Newt could hug, they also kissed and then the guard let out a little cough and they returned to the right areas.

Eventually Newt started coming regularly, once a week, and Thomas looked forward to their visits, when that same guard was on duty he would let them have two minutes alone on the same side before splitting them up and telling Newt he had to leave.

Then came terrible news, Newt had seen Thomas just the day before and someone had called him, his old friend and the guard at the prison. Newt found it odd and picked up the phone only to learn that the night before had gotten Thomas into a terrible accident leaving him dead with multiple stab wounds to the chest and stomach from other inmates carrying contraband.

Newt could barely take the news and found himself numb from crying and the pain that his whole body felt, especially his aching heart.

It took Newt forever to recover and at times he wanted it to be almost over, he had tried to give up but every time he failed, no attempt brought him the satisfaction of death. He eventually did recover and found himself feeling more free.

Of course nothing was the same and he felt weighed down constantly and every time someone would approach him for his number he would always shoot them down because he didn't want to betray his Tommy, the nickname he had given Thomas back when they first became friends.

Newt always thought about those memories and it made his heart hurt all over again, but not nearly as bad. Newt had been suffering in silence, he was alone, with no one to turn to.

Everyone had abandoned him, friends and family alike, he didn't have a job and his criminal record stopped him from getting one that payed anything good.

Soon the debt that Newt had started becoming too big and Newt was left out on the streets, trying to beg for money but no one seemed to pay him any mind, not a single soul.

Maybe it wasn't the court that had something against him, maybe it was the whole world, stripping away every possibility of a good ending from him.

That became his final thought just before remembering Tommy's laugh and how much he missed and loved him before Newt passed away in a cold alleyway underneath a full moon.

A/N: So I hated how this started and almost deleted the whole thing, but I'm glad I finished it because I loved how it turned out at the very end. I still don't like the beginning, but I don't know how I'd change it really. Also thank you for 750+ reads like that's INSANE!!!!!

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