Chapter 4

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“Hey, stranger, I think we might know each other. My roommate slash best friend look just like you, but she was just going outside to make a quick phone call to her mother. I see you’re out here chatting up this singing grease ball,” she said, walking towards us. I lost my breath and widened my eyes at her last comment. “Seriously, Harry, you need to tame that hair of yours,” she continued, now looking at the person next to me.

He let out a laugh. A raspy, intoxicating laugh. As I reminded myself to get a grip, Harry responded, “I will, once you tell me why you were hiding your beautiful friend over here from me all this time.” Beautiful? Did he just? No freaking way.

“You guys know each other?” I blurted out to deter the conversation from myself, which I must have misheard anyways. I reached towards my drink in Becky’s hand and had to fight chugging this one as well. Instead, I took a decent-sized sip.

“Yeah, he is usually performing when I come in for a few drinks after class, which you would know if you ever came with me,” she responded, sipping from the straw in her cup.

“I spend most of the time I’m not singing trying to convince that boyfriend of hers to dump her crazy ass,” he joked, winking at me. This, in turn, made me take another gulp of my drink. Screw the straw, I thought. We all laughed for a few seconds, which finished in a minute of awkward silence. As Harry finished the beer in his bottle, I took advantage of being out of his view to give my friend a look of astonishment due to this whole situation. She smiled back in understanding. “Well, I’m all out of beer. I’m going to head in and maybe try to convince the DJ to let me cut a few people in line and sing another song. Interested in joining me, Lisa?”

“Oh, um, no thanks,” I responded quickly. “I’m going to be leaving soon, anyway.”

“What? No you’re not, missy,” Becky fired back.

Before I could respond, Harry was chuckling and said, “I’ll let you two battle this out without me. Lisa, stop by more often. Maybe next Tuesday, I’ll be performing.”

“It’s spring break next week,” Becky said. I again had that mixed feeling of relief and disappointment.

“Well, then the following week. Becky, I’m leaving the responsibility to you to bring Lisa back to me. I’ll be quite sad if I have to wait too long to see her again,” Harry said. Either the drinks were really hitting me, which I doubted since they seemed to be watered-down wine coolers, or Harry was having a similar intoxicating effect on me. I assume the latter.

“Will do, Harry. See you soon,” Becky responded.

“Bye, Lisa,” he said, placing his hand on my back and a gentle kiss on my cheek. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Bye,” I whispered, physically unable to say more due to the sheer shock of what just happened. He winked and walked away, waving towards me and my best friend.

“What even just happened?” Becky asked me, excitement lining her voice.

“Nothing. He’s obviously just a sweet talker. Aren’t musicians known for their suaveness around women? And he obviously can get whoever he wants,” I responded sarcastically, still a little short of breath.

“Honestly, I’ve never seen Harry act like that. He usually just talks to the guys or jokes around with girls, like he does with me. I think he likes you, Lisa,” she said, lightening the seriousness in the first half of her statement with a joke about him having a crush on me.

“Yeah, okay, Becky. I’m leaving seeing as I’ve already passed my one drink limit,” I responded, rolling my eyes and shrugging off her statement. And I’ve already passed my talk-to-hot-guys-and-stay-alive-while-they-compliment-me-and-kiss-my-cheek limit, by a long shot.

“You were barely even inside the bar, and you still have some drink left,” she said, with a fake frown pouted at me. I took the last few sips of my drink in one big gulp and stuck my tongue out at her. She responded without me even having to speak, “Fine. Let’s go back. I’m drinking the rest of the vodka you have hidden in the freezer, though.”

“You’re lucky that I love you,” I said.

“Same, girl,” she responded, smiling. “And that Harry loves you!” she said, before walking quickly towards the door inside.

“You’re lucky I can’t run in heels!” I yelled toward her direction, smiling and blushing. 

---------------------------------------------author's note----------------------------------------

hey guys! thanks to everyone who is reading! i would love some feedback so leave me comments!! thank yaaaa (:

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