Chapter 11

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[To: LisaBaby]: good morning :)

Fuck, I'm so into this girl. I literally had trouble sleeping last night because I couldn't get her off my mind. I already miss the taste of her on my lips. I miss holding her freaking hand. I miss her laugh, and her smile. I miss Lisa. I even sent her a text first thing this morning. I'm pathetic.

I toss my phone on the bed and throw on a pair of gym shorts. As I begin to head towards my bedroom door, I turn around and grab my phone. I don't want to miss a text from her. With my phone in my pocket, I head towards the small kitchenette of my apartment that I share with my buddy Niall. Surprisingly, he's already awake, sitting on the couch, his makeshift bed, with a bowl of cereal.

"Hey, bud, how was your date?" he asks me.

"Good morning," I reply. I avoid his question because I know how stupid I'm going to sound to him. Just the thought of last night puts a huge smile on my face. I find a coffee mug in the cabinet and make myself a cup of coffee. I walk into the living room with Niall, as I can't really avoid him any longer.

"So...," he says with a mouth full of Froot Loops.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full?" I ask back, taking a sip from my steaming cup.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's rude not to answer someone's damn question?" he replies.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's impolite to invade other people's damn business?" I ask him.

"Enough already! Was it that bad that you don't want to talk about it?"

"Actually, no. It was that good," I tell him, a bit too defensively.

"Oh, Harry got some action, yeah? On the beach? I didn't peg Lisa for the type..."

"Shut the fuck up, Niall. She's not the type. We just kissed," I explain. Just kissed? That was the understatement of the year. Yeah, it was just kissing, but it meant more.

"Aw, is my little Harry in love?" Niall teases. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell him. He means no harm, but it's still embarrassing. I'm never like this over a girl. I've got to do something to get her off my mind. Anything.

"If I was in love with Lisa would I be going on a date with someone else tonight?" I ask him, lying.

"Oh, well I guess not," he says, dumbfounded. "I was only joking, Har. You just seemed to be really into Lisa." I am, I think to myself. Too into Lisa, which has got to change.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, noticing that Lisa still hasn't responded. I open up a new message:

[To: ExShay]: hey. wana catch a movie and dinner tonight, babe?

I instantly feel different. Guilt? Regret? I have to do something. I'm getting way too caught up on Lisa, way too fast.

[To: Harry<3]: thought you'd never ask. pick me up at 6, yeah?

I knew she would respond. She always does. Poor little thing never got over me. Maybe I'm not over her, either. Maybe that's why I'm latching onto Lisa so fast. Doubtful.

[To: ExShay]: see u then ;)

"Yeah, well, I've got to head to the gym," I tell Niall, getting up from the couch and ending our conversation. I can't fight the worry that he will tell Bec, which will lead to Lisa finding out. It's not my problem. It's something I have to do.


"Hey, gorgeous," I greet Shay, as she gets into my Jeep. She leans over and responds with a kiss on my cheek. "Uh, dinner first?" I ask.

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