Chapter 6

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“Hey, Bec. Where are you?” I ask Becky over the phone as I put away the last shirt from my suitcase. “I seriously never thought I’d be so happy to see this dinky dorm room again.”

“I’m at the bar. Come meet me for a welcome back drink!” she responds. I can already hear a slight slur in her words.

“What bar?” I ask, stalling, knowing exactly what bar she is talking about. There’s only one in this small college town. What if he’s there? What if he’s not? I don’t want him to think I’m stalking him, but I could definitely use a dose of hotness after all my hard work unpacking. I always seem to bring back ten times more than I left with after each trip home. A drink wouldn’t hurt either.

“The bar, duh. Aren’t you just dying to see your sexy rock star?” she teases.

“Is he there?” The words come out before I can think. I realize I’m sitting on the edge of my bed, knee bouncing from nervousness as I chew on my thumb nail.

“You’ll have to come to find out,” Becky responds and hangs up.

I slip off my yoga pants and put on a pair of dark skinny jeans and my black go-to flats. As I look in the mirror mentally deciding whether or not my t-shirt sporting the school logo is okay to wear, I hear my phone buzz on my bed. I see I have a snapchat from Becky, and unlock my phone to see it. Expecting an obnoxious selfie from her, I nonchalantly click her username. What I see knocks me back onto my bed.

His hair is all over the place, dark brown curls falling onto his forehead and covering the tops of his ears. His green eyes sparkle with a bit of a dark edge shining through. What hits me hardest is his mouth: his lips, his teeth, his voice. It’s a video. To me, from Harry. “Lissssaaaa,” he whines with a smirk on his face, “I’m waiting….” Did he wink? Was that a wink? I was too distracted by his smile to be sure. Damn snapchat, I want to watch that over and over again.

I make a mental note to remind Becky to send any future videos through text, so I can watch over and over and over again. I touch up my make-up and change into a black tank and red sweater. My hair is messy in a fishtail braid that falls over my right shoulder, but I don’t have time to do anything else with it. I can’t keep Harry waiting… I think, giggling at my own joke. I’m out the door and doing my best to keep myself from full out running to the bar. I never thought I’d say that.


I walk into the bar and immediately spot Becky sitting on a high stool with her boyfriend, Niall. Two fake blondes in one relationship, who would’ve thought. I can’t help but admit that they’re a great couple. They complement each other perfectly. Actually, I sometimes swear they’re the same goofy, fun loving person. “Hey, girl!” Becky waves towards me.

As I sit on the stool next to her, Niall asks me how my break was. “It was good, I guess. Relaxing, good to see the family, you know…” I drift off as my eyes scan the bar for Harry. No sight of him so far. Damn it, I must’ve taken too long and missed him. A full glass hitting the bar brings me back to reality.

“I ordered you one while you were on your way,” Becky explained. I thanked her and took a sip from the straw.

“Drinking a little slower today, huh?” comes from behind me. I swallow my sip hard, reminding myself to breathe.

“Well, I don’t need to get drunk to handle the awful singing like I did last time,” I tease, slightly impressed with myself that I could think of a comeback, as lame and false at it is.

“Touché,” Harry retorts with a grin appearing across his face. He leans in closer to me and whispers in my ear, “Though that’s not what you were saying before.” I’m speechless, literally cannot even think never mind speak.  The spot where his lips brushed my ear is on fire, as are my cheeks. Shit. Are crushes still normal at eighteen? I’m a loser. Get a grip, Lisa.

“Lucky for you, Lisa, Harry isn’t playing until Wednesday night. And he’ll sound much better this time around, I promise,” Niall says, with a teasing smile glancing back and forth from me to Harry, who is leaning on the bar between me and the stool next to mine. His scent is literally all I can smell.

“Shut it, Niall. I sound great even when you’re not playing for me,” Harry responds.

“I don’t know, Har, I’ve heard you play guitar before and it’s nothing compared to my baby’s skills,” Becky pipes in, winking at her boyfriend and earning herself a kiss on the cheek from him.

Meanwhile, I sit there like an idiot. I take another sip of my drink and consider going outside for some air. Though last time I did that, I ended up breathless thanks to a certain someone’s company. “Care to throw in your two cents, Lisa?” Harry asks. Respond, Lisa.

“Uh… well… Niall is definitely great at guitar. And his voice isn’t bad either,” I start, making Niall cheer. “I’ve only heard you sing that one time, which was amazing. But I’ve never heard you play guitar,” I squeeze out, all eyes on me.

“Well, maybe we’ll change that,” Harry responds, “but not anytime soon. They’re right, I suck at guitar.” We all let out a laugh.

“Lisa plays guitar,” Becky admits. I instinctively send her a look.

“Oh, I’m not good. Just play for fun, never in front of people except for my big mouth roommate…” I say. Becky gives me an apologetic look.

“I think we can change that, too,” Harry says.

“Yeah, right. I had to wait until second semester to hear her play and it was only because I was as sneaky as a ninja,” Becky snorts. If looks could kill, I’d be guilty of murdering my best friend. Instead, I sip the end of my drink.

“Aw, give her a break,” Niall defends.

“Yeah, Becky. Leave my poor Lisa alone,” Harry adds, as he places his hand on the small of my back. Breathe. He begins moving his fingers back and forth, gently rubbing my lower back with the tips of his fingers, keeping his palm planted firmly, yet lightly in the same spot. Breathe. Did he say my Lisa? I look up at him and give him a weak smile, which he returns with a wink. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Literally.

“Thanks,” I choke out, praying he continues to touch me.

“And I’ve got your next drink,” he smiles at me and gestures to the bartender. You’re already intoxicating enough, my friend. 

---------------------------------------------------------------author's note-------------------------------------------------------

thanks for reading! gah i'm so eager to jump into the relatioinship, but i want it to build!! sooooon! (; 

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