Part 8 ♡

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I woke up feeling bad for jorge. He had a nightmare last night and I wish I could've just come over and cuddled him because I feel so bad. My phone went off, jeyjey wants to facetime.

I answered. "Goodmorning" he said smiling. "Slept better?" I asked, putting in my right earbud. "Yes bbsito, thank you so much for helping me" he smiled even more, blushing a little.

I smiled back at him. "No problem,  I wish I could see you." I say, frowning a little bit. "No ones stopping you..." jey said, and looked down. "Come to my house" I went back to smiling and he looked back up at me.

"Okay ill be there soon benjiman!!" He said and hung up. I hot up quickly and changed, did my hair quickly and brushed my teeth. I soon heard my doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door to a smiling jorge.

I smiled and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek. "Benji! Is this jeyjey?" My mom walked downstairs. I let go of jey and looked at her. "Yes mom, it is." I smiled and let him inside, shutting the door.

"Aww, hello jeyjey. I can tell you and benjamin are a good match." She said, huggimg him. "Mommm dont call me that" i rolled my eyes. "We're going upstairs now, see ya later." I grabbed jeys hand and he chased me upstairs.

We made it to my room and sat on the bed. Jey layed back and i smiled at him. "Give me some cuddles" he said, smiling and getting under the blanket. I got under the blanket and he snuggled up against me.

I blushed as i put my arm around him. I played with his hair and he looked up at me. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Eres tan lindo, jorge" (youre so cute, jorge)

He blushed and hid his face. "Stop lying" he said. "Never lies for you, mi amor." I twirled a piece of his hair. Soon i heard slight snores from this adorable creature. I smiled and fell asleep as well. :)

So um we're number two in the benjey hashtag, i couldnt thank you guys enough for reading this story, its crazy how much it just blew up. My instagrams are @couldybenjey and @roseygolbach (sam golbach fan account) ly guys!!

Lets watch the sunrise together *benjey* FINISHED BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now