Part 10 ♡

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Yesterday was a mess, but jeyjeys mom let me sleep over. I woke up, blinking to adjust to the sunlight. I roll over to look at jey, still asleep.

I watched as soft snores escaped his mouth and his eyelashes fluttered. I started to drift off to sleep but got scared when jorge jumped up screaming "no!" "Stop!" "Dont hurt him!"

He paniced and looked around the room, and his eyes landed on me. "Benjamin!" He wrapped his arms around me, crying. I rubbed his back, soothing him. "I h-had the same
d-dream" he said between tears.

"Its okay baby, im okay, you're okay. Like I said the other time, take deep breaths." I said, looking into his eyes. I sat up and he tried to take deep breaths. "Stay here." I kissed him and went to the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

I wrnt back into the room and handed him the water. He was having a panic attack. I knew what could help him. "Jorge, está bien. Toma esta agua y bebela, te hará sentir mejor. te amo."

I kissed his forhead. (Jorge, its alright. Take this water and drink it, it'll make you feel better. I love you.) His sobs got lighter and he smiled at me. He took a drink of the water and put his head on my shoulder.

"Its so scary benji" he said. "I know mi amor, but its just a dream." I rubbed his back and he handed me the glass. I put it on the nightstand and we both layed back.

I cuddled him and we fell asleep, once again.


I woke up to jey playing music. He saw I woke up and smiled, reaching for my hand. I got up and grabbed it, dancing to the music. We danced around his room and sang like no one was listening.

The song ended and we sat down on his bed, laughing. I was still tired. "Benji I found an apartment" he said and smiled. "Really??" I said and looked into his eyes. "Yes!" He said grabbing my hand. "And we're moving in today!!" He was so excited.

I squealed in excitment "we get to live together mj amor!!" I said and kissed him. I got up and started jumping around the room. Jey giggled and pointed to bags. "I already packed my stuff. Let's go pack"

he got up and grabbed the bags. We walked out to my car after he said bye to his mom and dad. We drove to my house and I went inside, jey following me.

"Hey mom, hey dad. Im moving with jorge into an apartment." I walked up to them and said. "Alright, son. Glad you're making good decisions." My dad said. My mom gave me a hug, almost crying. "Im gonna miss you benji." I thought they would say no, but cool!

Me and jey walked upstairs and started packing my stuff. I also got to take blue, even though I would miss cindi alot. We'll obviously still visit though.

When we finished packing we brung everything to the car and I picked blue up. "Bye mom and dad!" My brothers weren't there at the time but I didnt mind, they can come visit.

We drove to the apartment complex and went inside. Jey handed me the key and we went to our room, unlocking the door.

I was so excited, I let blue down so she could explore. We put our bags down and I looked at jorge. "I love you" I kissed him and he kissed back "I love you more." He said.


Lets watch the sunrise together *benjey* FINISHED BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now