We Meet Again

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I really need a talk with you,

I keep on standing on the vain that keeps my life light flowing through,I wanna be a perfect stick of glue,but I don't feel perfect at all,sad and insecure flaw.

I find it hard to hold conversation.

I get sweaty,scared and I wanna walk away.No,it's not you who's stricting me in this situation,but I'm wondering will it ever go away.

Just go away,just stop.

Sometimes I feel like creeping,

Awaking when I'm sleeping,

Perfecting how to put a game face on.These secrets I've been keeping have been hiding and creeping up the closet door,spilling out onto the floor.


Me:Welcome!Welcome!Today's guest is......Rock Lee!

Lee:Hello everyone I hope you are all having a day of youth!

Me:I sure am!So what are your hobbies?

Lee:Being youthful of course!

Me:Besides that -_-

Lee:Hmm..Training with Guy-Sensei and stalking Sakura!

Me:•_• excuse me?

Lee:I mean....umm...

Me:It's already been said!Sakura!!

Sakura:*comes out* what is it??

Me:*points to Lee*Bowl-headed bozo is stalking you!!!!!

Sakura:Uhh Lee I don't like you and never will!!!! *cracks knuckles*


Me:YASS ! *Eats popcorn*Well while Lee gets beaten to a pulp you guys just go on ahead with the story !


Neji POV

I am currently debating on wether to speak to Himaru or just leave her be.

"Good morning."Himaru blurts before I get the chance to inhale.

I give her a questioning glare.

"I can sense your chakra."

"Damn."I mumble."What're you doing?"

"Cooking,want some?"



"What did you cook?"

"Nothing special,just eggs and bacon."

"I suppose.Shall I awake the Kazekage ?"I ask.

"If you want."She replies making plates.

I nod and go back to the tent.

Temari POV

I wake up to hear Neji and Himaru talking.

"What're you doing?"

"Cooking,want some?"



"What did you cook?"

"Nothing special,just eggs and bacon."

"I suppose.Shall I awake the Kazekage ?"

"If you want."

After I hear shuffling I drag myself out of the tent and try to scare Himaru.I then start to think....she can already sense my chakra I just walk by and grab a plate.

"Morning Himaru."I greet shoveling the eggs into my mouth.

"Sup.I see you've taken the food I made."She smiles.

"Yeah,I'm starving ha!"

I hear rustling in the back of mind and turn my head to the bushes and out comes.......


Himaru POV

As Temari and I start talking I hear rustling in the leaves and out comes....a tall person.

Pale skin,dark hair,and onyx eyes that softened last time I saw them.

This couldn't be!Why was he here!?Why and how was he so unstoppable??

"Sasuke?!"Temari and I yell.

A/N:Sorry it's short.....I love you guys thanks for support!


I Am Ambivalence (Sequel To The Honesty Ambition)Where stories live. Discover now