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You think you're smarter than me.Well,everyone knows you will never be smarter than me.
Me:Hi-lo my name is Kermit,just playing.So today's guest is!!!!!
sasukex!Say Hello!!!


Me:How are Ya liking the story?!

sasukex:It's alright


Sasukex:I'm just kidding!Story's good :)

Me:Awhhhh you really mean it??


Me:Thanks so any predictions on who it might be?

Sasukex:Neji and them?

Me:We'll see,onto the story!!!

Yo guys I'm sorry about the super duper long wait!There's something in my life called school.It's really alienating me from this so....sorry here's a nice,long chapter for you guys!!

Himaru POV

When I saw the four people standing there,the first traits I noticed was gray hair,pink hair,two dogs and blond haired boy with brought sapphire eyes I could just get lost in.
It was Naruto,Kiba,Sakura,
Kakashi,and The Cutest Giant Dog;Akamaru.

"Himaru,are you okay?"Kiba asked quite confuzzled;New Term:Confused and Puzzled in one word.

"Yeah.I think so."I reply turning around to find that Itachi had gone.So did Madara...I wonder where that ol' guy is off too.
What happened?
Where's Sasuke and my team.
I really didn't care right now.
I'm nowhere near as strong as Madara and that fight would've 9 out of 10 times ended with me dead.I was just happy!

"Himaru!"Naruto ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
He's trying to kill me.Isn't he?
Nah,I was happy to see him too,so I happily squeezed him back with equal affection.

"Where's your team kiddo?"Kakashi asked me,ruffling my hair.

"I have not the slightest clue."I say shrugging.

"So how'd you get here?"Sakura asked gaulking the cave that I assumed was Madaras' back up hideout.

"Well,it's a really long story that I'd love to tell you,but I also would really like to continue searching for the Akatsuki hideout,thank you very much,BUT I am willing to tell you the story as we walk."I say humbly,puffing my chest out and walking to the cave entrance.
I hear no footsteps behind me so I turn around and see everyone staring at me confusingly.

"Well,what're you waiting for?An invitation?"I ask with my eyebrows raised.Everyone exchanged looks,shrugged and started walking.


"And that,my friends,is how I ended up as Madara Uchihas' prisoner for a total of 50 minutes,by the way I thank you for."I finish feeling quite pleased with myself.

Sakura shoots me a nasty glare and says;'Why so formal?'
To which I replied "Sakura,dear,it is called having a big vocabulary,or in your case;knowing a lot of words."

She rolls her eyes annoyed and I smile triumphantly.
Soon Naruto and I start talking.

"So,Naruto,old buddy,old pal...when's the wedding?"I ask nervously,dragging out the 'o' in 'so'.

"We don't really know yet,but can I tell you something,Himaru?"

My eyes widen and I nod my head vigorously.
"I'm really having second thoughts about this wedding."

I Am Ambivalence (Sequel To The Honesty Ambition)Where stories live. Discover now