Terrifying Dreams

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We'll go down in history,

remember me for centuries.

Himaru POV

I woke up bright and early and went into the Akatsuki's lair,looking for everyone.

"Hello...?Anyone home...?It isn't very smart to leave a pre-maturing 17 year old all alone,I could just look through everything."I yell,here,there,and everywhere.
"Hm...I guess I'll make my own breakfast."I pout going into the kitchen to make some chocolate chip pancakes.

>>Fast Forward>>

As I eat at the very expensive looking,probably stolen,glass table I notice something move at the corner of my eye so I turn my head to the left and as cliché as it sound,I saw nothing,

(I'm literally crying because I'm thinking of all the awesome people who died in this show)

Then before I knew it,I looked into my plate and there sat,was a little white spider.I hopped out of the chair as fast as I could as the little spider exploded.

"Deidara!"I yell.

"Yes?"I hear his annoying voice.

"You ruined my breakfast,you sorry excuse for an artist."

"What did you say,you damn brat?"He came from the shadows.

"You heard me!"I yell in his face.

"If you think you're all that,then how about you fight me,hot stuff?"

Should I?I dunno.

"Well,"I contemplate on what to say."I don't know if Pein would allow it."I say to Deidara and his eye twitches.

"I hate girls,including you,"Deidara mumbled incoherently."I don't even know why Leader-sama would even give you the time of day."

"You seem like you would know a lot about girls,"I replied with venom as deadly as Sasukes' in my voice."Considering you are one,you pyromaniac.That's why your art is a ripoff."

(Total Tobi Reference xD)

"Y-you....what....you take that back now,bitch."

"Nah...what are you anyway?"I ask.

"Artist,Bomber,Terrorist,i'll claim it all,but I don't like being called a girl!"

"Whatvesss."I yawn.

"So,you and the Kazekage,huh?"

"So,you and the puppeteer,huh?"I mocked him.

"Shut up!"

"Or what?"I look at him as if he could do great damage."You'll bomb me to death?"

(Another Tobi reference )

The terrorist just sighed and dropped his hands down in defeat.

"I only have one question."I say.

"What?!"He grows an anime vein.

"Do you come with accessories?"I snicker and run to the nearest room,shut the door and lock it.

"Phew."I wipe fake sweat off of my eyebrow,i'd say brow,but nah,I ain't Guy or Lee.

I wonder where Itachi is.


I walk to Itachi's room to see if he was there,but to my surprise he wasn't.I knock on the door to someone else's room.

"Who is it?"I hear the calming voice.


He sighed and said "Come in."

When I enter I see a red headed puppet master.

"Hey Sasori,"I greet,looking at the room filled with puppets."Whatcha doing?"


"Oh,working on your puppets...have you seen Itachi anywhere?"I ask.

"No,I have not,why?"

"I just haven't seen him since yesterday."

"I suppose he could be on a mission or in his room."

"Okay,well,were in the hell is everyone else?"I peel a little bit of my now old nail polish off of my fingernails and watch fall to the floor."I've only seen you and Deidara."

"I don't know."

"I'll see you later,Sasori."
He waved me off as I exited his room and closed the door behind me.I went to knock on Itachi's room door,but there was no answer and I couldn't feel any of his chakra nearby either.
I huffed and slapped my hands down in defeat.I went to living room once again and threw myself on the couch.

I eventually started thinking about Itachi and how poorly I treated him.I can hardly fathom why I treated him like that.
I never have talked to him like that,it's almost as if it was out of my control.I laid my head down on the couch pillow and shut my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

~~Himaru's Dream~~

There was screaming.
Everywhere there was a person with a look of great fear in their eye.I turned around and watched as the villagers of Konoha were being beaten and killed,but worst of all....in the distance I watched as a little girl was beaten to death.

I tried to run towards and stop the man,but it was too late,she was gone.
I feel a tap on my right shoulder and I turn to see Naruto,but his face was all bloody and bruised.

"Naruto!"I scream.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and fell stiff.
I looked down and driven straight into his chest was a very large kunai knife.
He was dead!

I cried hardly as a shadow fell upon me.I looked up to seethe killer of one of my best friends.

It was none other than the famous S-Rank ninja who killed his clan.It was Itachi Uchiha.

He looked straight into my eyes with his Sharingan and wrapped one hand around my neck and squeezed as hard as he possibly could.
Harder and harder and harder.....

~End of dream~

"Himaru!"I hear my name being called.

I scream loudly and and open my eyes as bullets of sweated beaded down my forehead.I looked to see who called my name and it was Itachi.I jumped from where he was looking terrified,still scarred from my very own dream.

"Get away from me!"I say scared for my life.

"What's gotten into you?"He asks.

"Just...please...stay...away."I break into tears and Itachi comes and pulls me into an embrace.

"Shhh,shhh."He shushes me.

Too afraid to fall asleep,I just lay there in Itachi's arms.


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