chapter three - an interview with the king

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a/n: hey. I really hope this doesn't sound like fifty shades. I don't quite remember the details of fifty shades but I'm really trying to avoid a lot of similarities.

as soon as the elevator's doors closed, amelia screamed in her mouth and paced around to prevent panicking; though she already was.

taking thirty seconds or roughly a minute to regain her countenance and square her shoulders again, she moved to the door.

what will I see next?

her knuckles hovered hesitantly over the door and after a long exhale, she finally knocked.

"come in" she think she heard a deep voice say, so quietly yet so sound that it vibrated in her head - chorusing over her body and making her shiver.

she opened the door and sauntered in, hesitantly closing the door behind her as she took in the large office. well what did i expect of the king's throne.

a dark blue jacket from a suit was hanging on the back of the red leather chair behind the broad glass desk.

she soon realized his tall built standing at the side of the room, glancing at the road through the glass walls. he had on a white long sleeved shirt tucked into his dark blue pants. the same music from the elevator played so softly in here and it felt like a sin to break the silence.

"good day mr. cavill" she said softly, softly so that it wouldn't frighten him.

he took a while before turning around gracefully and her bag fell from her grasp immediately.

he had dark hair which was slicked back from his face, cold silver eyes that froze you like Medusa's, light stumble adorning his prominent facial structure and a glass cup pressed against what seemed to be full pale pink lips.

overall he was handsome, lethally handsome and her skin heated up almost instantaneously as soon as his gaze met hers.

"ms. winters is it?" he said setting his cup down on the table and the low melodies resonating from his body startled her back to reality.

"yes sir. I a-apologize" she stuttered, voice cracking, choppy breaths leaving she as she bent to retrieve her bag.

recollect yourself.

after giving herself a moment to breathe, she stood again, shoulders square, eyes desperately trying to focus on anything but his face.

she settled on watching the cup in front of him as he sat down behind the table. the red wine trembled in the cup from the movement. 'for wine that looks quite thick and opaque' she couldn't help but noticing.

"brilliant color choice" he complimented her, the corners of his lips lifting to a small smile though she couldn't see the rest of his face. she only allowed herself to look at his lips and his clasped hands on the desk.

his nails were painted black and she tried her best not to react visibly though she was thrown off tremendously by it.

"thank you" she breathed out while smiling politely, still not being able to meet his gaze. "may i sit?" she reminded herself to ask and after a long drink from the wine glass he answered.


how was it that each sound that came from him caused her body to tremor in response.

"this won't take long" he reassured her as he leant back in his throne. red leather outlined with a gold metal frame.

and he was right.

he started off with small talk, before adding easy questions to the mix. he was trying to make her as comfortable as possible and somehow it worked. it soon went from only his voice floating through the air to her statements making up the majority of their discussion.

she only realized what he had done when they were having regular conversations without her glancing away frantically. in-fact her eyes never left the pale landscape of his face...and his never left hers.

when she had come to the point of realization though, she blushed violently and her tongue tripped over words. he looked down and smiled a bit as if he were trying to help her but it only affected her more.

she was embarrassed beyond comparison to know that her prospective boss had realized her gawking.

more than anything she wanted to apologize but her tongue curled up to form a ball in her throat.

he looked up again, thought his eyes never met hers, then said in his trombone of a voice that played like a harp "it was truly a pleasure to have you, ms.winters. any questions before i get someone to give you a tour?".

he was charismatic without trying, so beautiful and she was ashamed that those were the only thoughts that filled her head.

if you keep looking at me like this, i don't know how I'll be able to function as an employee here.

she moaned the thought to herself and he slightly tilted his head to the side. she had forgotten that he asked her something.

"oh question" she repeated and he nodded, small smile still present. amelia searched her mind frantically and once she blurted out her question she immediately wished she would die on the spot.

"are you a christian?" she had asked making reference to the music and then clasped her hands in her lap immediately to refrain from facepalming.

at first he didn't seem like he was going to react, then the most beautiful laugh escaped him like symphonies in the air. he has perfect teeth though his canines seemed a bit elongated.

she blushed furiously once more and he brought his hand to his mouth to suppress his laughter.

"no where close" he breathed out and she averted her gaze from his which seemed to be lit with life from her entertaining him.

"gomen (sorry)" she said whilst laughing nervously and then glanced up when he stood.

"well should i lead you to the elevator? an assistant will be waiting on the third floor." he said, walking around the desk to offer her a hand.

reluctantly, she took it and shuddered. his palm was so cold and rough. the simple gesture felt so intimate that she drew in a sharp breath.

she rose up and glanced to his face nervously, same rehearsed soft smile being repeated on his lips like a loop thought it appeared more smug than before.

she couldn't hear the music, but she could her his breaths, hear the sound of the air from the air conditioning making contact with his figure, hear the sound of her own heart thumping loudly against her eardrums.

"thank you" she managed to breath out as she quickly released his hand and walked ahead to increase the distance between them.

once they were at the elevator he watched her, silver eyes trailing her as if they were waiting for her to do something foolish again.

once the doors twitched to close, he turned away and began to walk back to his office. his hand rose to offer a wave even though he didn't glance back.

once the elevator started to go back down, her exhausted body slumped against its wall.

"Baka! (idiot)" she cursed aloud covering her face with her hands.

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