chapter seven - drinks for the heavy hearted

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usually, amelia didn't have saturday's off however this Saturday she did and due to this she found herself at a bar close to her house.

she usually didn't drink heavily, she was barely a fan of alcohol at all. somehow though, she felt exhausted. in fact, the client that was assigned to her today was nothing but hard headed and ignorant.

no matter how hard she tried to make him understand the terminologies of seeking an investment and why his business wasn't quite legible, he would always mention something else- justifying its worth.'s a family business.

but... i often times have loyal customers, we have business.

but... I've gotten investments before





her head felt like it would blow up at any instant. and with that pent up frustration, she couldn't help but to remember what else she was frustrated about.

that's right, Mr. Cavill's absence.

in her lunch period she had taken the time to search the average time it took for a flight from Alaska to New York. seven hours and ten minutes.

even if the weather had let up, mr. cavill wouldn't be anywhere near them during business hours.

sitting at the counter, top button undone, her blonde hair no longer in a ponytail but instead a messy bun, light brown eyes fogged over with thought.

her glasses slid slowly down the bridge of her nose but she hadn't even thought of fixed it as her mind was trained on thoughts of her boss.

trained on how his stony eyes would often times softly caress those of his subjects. almost sultry but also almost as if he was doing them a favor .

was it so wrong and alien that she missed the man that barely recognized the fact that they coexisted.

still in her trance she was yet to realize that someone had joined her at the counter, ordering his own drink and settling in.

casting his gaze to the side, his eyes feel on her and suddenly she shuddered. snapping out of her trance she met whoever was staring at her and her blood ran cold.

she sputtered on her drink.

"mr. derret" she coughed out and the beady eyed client that she had seen earlier in the evening smiled pleasantly at her.

under the counter she could feel a cold metallic nuzzle against her clothed side.

a gun?

"ms. winters... what a coincidence" he lied through a toothless smile and a wave of nausea washed over her.

her skin was washed with sweat and for a second she rested her elbows on the counter then buried her face in her hands.

the pace of her breathing rose and she dug her nails in her scalp to maintain her control. the cold nuzzle pushing against her side almost made her giggle; the hysteria skyrocketing with her growing fear.

even if she was to plea for her life, she was shocked speechless and she was way too tipsy to even pick the right sentence to say. her thought processes crashed and she was seconds away from passing out.

"that's right... no need to make a scene. we're leaving now, drinks on me" he had said with a bitter chuckle and she trembled terribly.

"mr. derret i'm very so-"

"too late, you robbed me off some good money today. let's go" he almost snarled pushing the muzzle harder against her ribs and she exhaled shakily, her hand fell to dig into her thighs.

once it fell on her handbag she thought of another approach and tried it frantically.

"i can get you mon-"

"shut up" he hissed, lips against her ear, her breath hitched and a shudder ran over her

is he going to bite my ear?

the bartender strolled by and mr. derret masked his intent licking her ear, the bartender hoots in response.

it felt like acid.

amelia's eyes immediately screwed close and she couldn't help the sour look she made as he snaked his other hand around her hip, ushering up to stand with him.

he left a great deal of money on the counter as he spoke again making her wonder why he even needed an investment.

"you could at least make me look good, let's go" he said  in her ear ant they leave the bar with a one hand over her shoulder, though she was taller than him, and the other holding the gun against her side through his coat.

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