Chapter Five-My Father's Choice

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Hello, Lovelies,

I would like to thank you for joining me.  I've already hit 1,000 words on editing this story.  It makes me sad and happy at the same time.  Sad because at one time I felt so rushed to get it out I missed very obvious things that should have been fixed.  I'm happy because now, I'm able to fix them.  So, those of you who are giving this story a chance, thank you.  This chance is deserved.  When it was originally published, it wasn't.  I want to thank everyone who supports me.  You are wonderful.  I hope you enjoy Andre and Aurora's story.  I'm truly beginning to and that means a lot to me.  I guess it means something for me to enjoy my own stories too.  I've noticed the difference between the stories I put here and the ones I rushed to put out.   I am actually excited about writing again and that is because of you.  

I do have a little bit of news.  Besides, entering Twisted Souls, Dirty Little Secrets and Sparked in the Wattys which I think I've now announced that in every book's announcements, I am plotting another dark romance.  I'm trying to keep you up to date on this.  It will be a dark romance.  It is not paranormal, although it will have the same ambience as Twisted Souls.  I want to give you a little more information with each chapter I put out in my other books.  The main character's names will be Macon and Jade.  I truly hope you like these characters.  

Thank you again.  If you like this chapter, please consider voting.  Comments are appreciated.  I don't want you to be just my readers but I want to be friends also.  I love the relationships I have with my readers.  If you have any questions, send me a message or comment.  Other than that, have a good day.

-XXXX Amanda 


His voice called to me in my dreams. It beckoned me as I moved, the dew on the grass cool on my feet. Somewhere in my mind, I realized I was sleepwalking. If I wasn't stopped, I would go to that voice but no matter how much I fought, I continued to move forward. My mind was muddled, moving too quickly from one thought to the next, breaking any concentration I had.

When a hand firmly gripped my arm above the elbow, I tensed, afraid it was too late to fight and the monster who was my father had me in his grasp.


Andre's voice blended with that of my father's, my name echoed painfully in my mind. I tilted my head as I frowned. Was it a trick, or had I really heard the man who had sworn he would protect me? For some reason, I had believed him. Believed he would at least try. Hope sprang up in that part of my mind as I listened breaking the control the other voice had over my actions.

Slowly, Andre's voice became more persistent, chasing the pain away with the gentleness of his voice. "Aurora, open your eyes."

I slowly opened them and glanced at my surroundings. My heart jumped. Even though I had expected it, I was shocked when I saw I was outside. Andre stood in front of me with his hand on my arm. Concern and fear darkened his face as his eyes roamed over my features, searching them before landing on my eyes.

"W-What happened?" I asked, blinking rapidly, hoping there was another reason I stood outside in my nightgown. My heart sank at the look he gave me. I really was going crazy.

Andre frowned as he took my hand and led me back toward my motorhome. I was startled when I realized we were near the bonfire pit. Had I really walked that far?

"You're a sleepwalker," he said, his voice soft and calm as he searched my face again. "Do you do that often?"

My cheeks reddened. What would he think when I told him the truth? I winced as I glanced at him. I knew I'd have to tell him, especially since we would be married soon.

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