Chapter Ten-Forgiveness

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Hello, Lovelies,

I hope you are enjoying Beckoned so far.  Thank you for supporting me.  Truthfully, I couldn't ask for better readers.  Thank you for everything you do.  I went from a very depressing place before I came to Wattpad.  There was very little interaction with my readers.  I worried my stories weren't being read and enjoyed.  It means so much to me that they are now.  So, thank you so much for reminding me every day that there are people out there who are waiting for me to post chapters.  It truly pushes me to be a better writer.  

For those who don't know, I did post the prologue and first chapter of Singed and the first chapter of Beautiful Darkness.  I do have my schedule posted on my profile but I will post it on here also.  Everything is posted before 5 p.m. Central on the days below. 

Mondays: Beautiful Darkness

Tuesdays and Fridays: Iced

Wednesday: Dirty Little Secrets

Thursday: Beckoned

Saturday: Twisted Souls

Sunday: Singed

I have been known to surprise with bonus chapters and if I have time chapters throughout the week. I am currently self-editing Sparked and Burned.  Anyway, this is the schedule and other than my vacation, I haven't missed a scheduled upload.  So, hopefully, I can continue that.  

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please consider voting.  Comments are appreciated.  I read every one.  If you have a question, comment or send me a message.  Have a great day!

-XXXX Amanda


"Andre! Aurora! Wake up!" I heard someone yell, pulling me from sleep. My eyes still closed, I moaned, too warm and too comfortable to move except to snuggle closer to the source of the warmth. Then loud, insistent banging began. My eyes opened to the bright sunshine. I groaned, still exhausted from the events of the day before.

Andre chuckled in my ear as he moved his arms from around me. No wonder I had been so warm. He had given me his body heat.

"Don't worry, Aurora," he whispered, kissing the top of my head. "I'll get it. You just lie here and pretend I tired you out too much to move."

"Andre," I hissed, turning an even deeper shade of red when I saw he wore only pajama pants that hung too low on his hips. I blinked, trying not to look at his bare chest and failing miserably. He raised his brows and grinned, proving how busted I was before walking to the door. I shook my head, mortified, and buried my now crimson face in the pillow.

A few moments later, I heard the door open. "Mother?" Andre said, sounding puzzled. "Is something wrong?"

I heard a sob. I pulled the pillow from my face with a frown. My chest tightened as Sophia spoke. "I'm sorry, Andre," she said, her voice shaking clearly in distress. "I know you need to be alone with Aurora, but you both have to come to my house."

"Why?" he asked, his voice tight. "What happened?"

"There's been an attack," she sobbed, hiccupping through her words. I blinked, trying to understand what she was saying.

"Who? Was it Dad? Mirella?"

It was a few moments before Sophia's sobs quieted enough for her to speak. "Fiona," she mumbled. I inhaled sharply and sat up in bed. I held my breath as I clutched the pillow in my hands, gripping the satin coverings so tightly, my knuckles turned white. "I should have stayed with her, but she was stubborn and told me she'd be fine. She said she was going straight home. Now..."

Beckoned (Book 1) The Brazil Werewolf SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now