Chapter Seven-Bridal Shower

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Hello, Lovelies,

I hope everyone is having a lovely day.  Thank you for joining me.  After having some uploading issues earlier, I hope to get this chapter out to you in one piece.  Anyway, I want to thank you for supporting my stories.  It means a lot that people read and enjoy my books.  

I will be going on vacation, June 29th-July 2nd so my schedule on her is a little crazy.  I am trying to make sure that you still get the chapters this week that would be affected by my vacation.  I did update Twisted Souls though I will warn those who read it, I had to upload that chapter in two sections because of those uploading issues.  So, if you just read the first part of that chapter, there is a second part.  Also, the first chapter of Beautiful Darkness will be up on July 8th.  Also, Burned is getting a new cover and I will be revealing the cover to the second book of that series called Singed when I upload the last chapter of Burned.  I hope that will be tomorrow.  

Thank you again.  If you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting.  Comments are appreciated.  If you have any questions, comment or send me a message.  

-XXXX Amanda


A day passed and though nothing happened, I was more on edge than ever. I suppose it was because I realized the calm would end at some point and something would happen. I really didn't believe my father had given up or Garridan had forgotten me simply because I had kneed him in the groin. Still, everyone else seemed to go on with the wedding festivities, as if my father and his family were not a threat. Everyday activities also continued and everyone avoided the topic of my father.

My dress had arrived shortly after visiting the shop delivered by the owner herself. Miraculously, it was a perfect fit. I was relieved to see it was the one Sophia and my mother had agreed upon. Although I would not admit it to them, I liked it, too even though I still was anxious about my marriage.

The church had already been chosen, as had the venue where the reception would take place. Everything seemed to be coming together the way my mother and Sophia had planned. It was working out so perfectly, it felt like the calm before the storm.

As the time for the wedding approached, dread seemed to seep further into my bones. If anything were going to happen, I knew it would be soon. Even Mirella visiting me did nothing to calm my fears.

She grinned at my mood. "What's wrong with you?"

I shrugged deciding to be honest. "I'm kind of expecting something bad to happen."

"I understand why you feel that way." She laughed, raising her brows. "Your bridal shower is today. You have to meet all the women who live here, so you will be living my worst nightmare."

I smiled weakly, my heart sinking. I had not seen Andre since the night he burst into my room. Mirella told me the men had their own party planned, so I would not be seeing him tonight, either. I sighed, realizing I would have to wait until our wedding day to be in his presence again. I shook my head because I missed him. He was the only one I knew who understood how I felt. Not even Mirella could relate. Instead, her excitement for the wedding was evident in almost everything she said. Still, I was thankful for her friendship.

Mirella stayed with me until the time came for the bridal shower. We made our way to the bonfire pit. I sat at one of the benches, Sophia lowering to the bench next to me, as all the women came and introduced themselves. All were pleasant...except one. Katie Ward who openly sneered at me as she was introduced.

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