Aunt May

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Anything in bold is my editorial notes. Italics are Peters thoughts, underlined is Karen or Friday, and the story will take place in Tony or Peters point of view. Enjoy!


=Peter's P.O.V=

I woke up quite early because of my alarm. Usually I ignore it, and sleep in until around 8:30am, but today I woke up at 6:30am. I'm not tired like I thought I'd be. I jump out of bed and put on my suit. I got a fright when Karen spoke to me. "Good Morning Peter. Early start?" I nearly jump out of my skin, which makes my heart race. "Geez Karen! Yes, an early start." I do the normal routine of checking my vitals. This is right after the events of Homecoming, but I've slightly altered the timeline. My heart rate has increased, but my breathing is normal. I put normal clothes on over my suit, take off my mask and stuff it into my backpack. I walk into the living room. May is having Weetabix and hasn't seemed to notice me. For me, that's a good thing. If she sees me, I usually get stuff thrown at me, kicked, punched or verbally abused. She doesn't mean it though. She took Uncle Ben's death really bad, and so did I. I cry nearly every night, or have nightmares when I forget to cry. When I see certain things, I have Panic or Anxiety attacks. No wonder she doesn't love me. I'm a mess. I could dodge her attacks, but that would make her suspicious. I move quietly towards the door, open it and slam it shut. Oh god, she's going to kill me. I bolt down the hall and down the stairs. I don't stop running until I get to school. I start to hyperventilate, and my heart races. I dart into a bathroom as soon as I get into school. I rush into a stall and start to feel extremely dizzy. My fingers start to tingle. This is a bad time to have a panic attack. I jostle around in my bag and find my mask. I shove it onto my head. "Peter! What's wrong? Shall I call Mr. Stark?" I can't speak to her, and before I can try to answer, I plummet into eternal darkness.

=Tony's P.O.V=

Pepper is working all day, so I'm in the workshop. My phone starts to ring. "FRIDAY, who is it?" I was expecting it to be one of the Avengers. "It appears to be Mr Parker. Shall I answer it sir?" The kid? What's going on? "Yeah, and put on screen-cam" I start to get concerned. The camera from his suit shows him with his eyes shut, and it looks like he passed out. How did he call me? "Karen, what happened? Is he alright? Why did he call me? Where is he?" I bombarded her with questions, but she answered them all. "We are at his school in a bathroom, Mr Stark. He seemed to have had a Panic attack, but I don't know what happened. His heart rate is dangerously high, and his breathing is laboured. He also hit his head and is bleeding. I called you Mr Stark." A panic attack? I need to get to him. I ended the call and ran down to the garage. I grabbed the first car I saw and drove down to his school. On the way, I got FRIDAY to find Peter's exact location. I stormed out of the car, ignoring the person at the front desk. I followed the tracker. Eventually I found him. I reached him and took the mask off. He looked like hell. I could see his ribs through his clothes, his eyes had bags and were practically bulging out of his sockets. I picked him up and flung his arm over my shoulder. He weighed less than me! He started to stir, so I gently escorted him back to my car and laid him down in the backseat. By the time I got back to the facility, he was awake. For some reason, he couldn't sit up. Usually the boy is bouncing up and down the walls. I know he's awake, so I help him up and he stumbles forward. I reach to catch him. "No, sir, it's-I'm fine. I'm ok. Take me back." I stare him down, but he can't even look at me. "No chance. Kid, you're sick. When did you last eat, or drink for that matter?" The kid started to walk. stumble might be a better word. "Last I remember... 4 days ago? maybe 5. I dunno" I almost fall in shock at that statement. After 7 days, you die unless you drink something. "KID! You are close to death! Work with me here." The boy finally looks up at me. He really does look sick. "Do you have a shower I could use, Mr. Stark? I haven't had a shower in over a month" A month? This kid has been seriously neglected. "Health first, then shower. OK?" He nodded. Me and the kid walked into the facility. On the way in, we met Happy. I told him a car was outside and he can't ask any more questions. The kid hadn't stopped walking and was waiting on the elevator. I ran to catch up to him, and at the same time the elevator opened and we both stepped in.

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