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=Peter's P.O.V=
I decided to tell people about my experience when I was taken. If they know my story, I might be able to trust them more. I gathered everyone into the common room. I sat in a wooden chair in the centre of the room, and everyone else sat in the surrounding couches. Murmurs of confusion filled the air, and so I began to talk.
"The first day I was there was rather horrendous. They clamped my back scars open and put salt in them. I cried out for them to stop, but of course they didn't. Then they injected me with a purple substance. It took away my healing increase and my spider sense. It made me very weak, I could barely lift my head. They flipped me onto my back, and the man they called X tried to get information out of me. I stayed quiet. He um... he, well he r-r-raped me and, um, then he left. He came back with half a banana and forced me to eat it and chuck it up. Then they injected me again and left me to sleep. Every day they would repeat this horrible cycle, and they would replace salt in the wounds with varied methods such as Electrocution, Rape, Salting Fresh Wounds,
Partial Poison, Bound with Rope for days on end, Human Isolation (No noise, sight, smell etc), Put in a box the size of a radiator, Multiple Stabbings, Increased heat, Drug induced nightmares, Alcohol Poisoning (How am I still alive), and Finally more Rape and stabbings. Then you guys showed up and they made me walk, which I hadn't done for weeks, and then they drowned me. For me, the worst torture method was human isolation. For an entire day, I would have ear defenders, a blindfold, gloves and a gag in/on. You wouldn't be in contact with anyone. It was horrible." I had finished. No one was talking. It was silent. I decided that maybe if I explain why I flinch and things like that then maybe they'll talk. "I flinch a lot when people raise their hands because May used to be abusive to me. However some breaking news on the contact problem. Today, I had my first hug in years!" I stood up, resulting in Mr Stark and Mr Rogers lunging forward to catch me. I didn't fall, I just stumbled. I held the side with my healing ribs, and stumbled over to the couch where Hawkeye was. I held my hand out to him. "Hello Mr Barton, I'm Peter Parker." He took my hand and stood up. "It's great to meet you Peter Parker." He sat down and I painfully stumbled to the next avenger. "It's nice to meet you Miss Romanoff. I'm Peter." She stood up and shook my hand gently. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Peter." Then I moved on to Thor, Mr Lang, Mr Rogers, Mr Stark and finally Mr Banner. By the time I was finished, my body was in excruciating pain, but I didn't show it. Everyone was smiling, and I forced myself to smile too. If I'm honest, I think I don't deserve to be here. I walk towards the door, and sneak my bottle of painkillers into my pocket. "I'm going to the toilet. I'll be back." I opened the door and walked out towards the medical ward. I grabbed my web slingers from my bag and headed towards a toilet. When I finally found one, I went in and locked the door. I webbed the door shut  and took out my pain medicine. I took about 10 pills and lay on my back, waiting to die.

=Tony's P.O.V=
I was sitting in the living room with the others when FRIDAY interrupted our conversation. "Sorry to interrupt sir, but it seems Mr Parker has overdosed on his pain medication. He is in the closest toilet to your current location." The room went silent. I stood up and ran out the door. I must've looked crazy looking for the toilet, but I think I've found it. I rapidly knocked on the door but there was no answer. "FRIDAY open the door!" I was screaming by this point. He can not die. He can't. "The door is now unlocked. Mr Parker seems to have webbed the door closed as well sir." Oh fuck. I kicked the door repeatedly until I heard a snap. The webs had broken. I jiggled the door open and rushed beside Peter. He was trying to talk. He was not foaming at the mouth, but rather gagging. "M-M-Mr S-S-S-Star-Stark. I-I-I reg-regr-regret it sssssir!" He'd regretted the attempt at his life. I dragged him to the toilet. I made him throw up. He gagged the tablets up, and then all the contents of his stomach followed soon after. He flopped onto my chest, and sobbed into my soft jumper. I pat his back until he calms down. "Why did you do this to yourself?" The boy looked up at me with his puffy red eyes and messy hair. "I don't deserve to be treated like I am. I don't deserve you guys." He flopped back onto my chest, but I made him sit up. "You deserve better." He shook his head, an I couldn't be bothered arguing with him. I helped him up, and he grabbed his ribs. He assured me that he could walk, so we went back to the kitchen. I sat him down at the island. I prepared a ready meal for him and watched him eat it. Before long, he threw up all over the kitchen. While I enjoy a challenge, this one will be tough to solve.

=Peter's P.O.V=
I regretted the attempt on my life as soon as I went through with it. FRIDAY told Mr Stark about what I did and soon he was pounding down the door. He ended up making me throw up the pills, and I couldn't stop myself from throwing up the rest of my food. When I was done, I cried a lot. I can't believe I did that! He is taking me to the kitchen. Is he going to make me eat? No way will it stay down. He sat me down at the kitchen island. No one else knew I was in there yet. He made a ready meal for me, and almost as soon as I finished the food, it came straight up onto the island. I tried to apologise, but Mr Stark stopped me and immediately cleaned my mess up. I stand up and try to take a step, but the pain in my ribs is searing, and I fall onto the tiled floor. Mr Stark rolled me into my back and asked if I could here him. I could but I can't focus on him. The pain was getting worse. Worse than I have previously experienced. "Kid! KID! Stay with me, ok? You're fine, just focus!" I couldn't move, I wanted to sleep. "N-n-no s-sir. I-I-It hhhurts. H-help me." He started to shake me to keep me awake, and right then I knew I wasn't going to sleep. I had to stay awake for Mr Stark. "I'm going to take you to my lab, ok?" I can't move. How is he going to move me? Turns out, he flung my arm over his shoulders and practically dragged me to his room. I thought he said lab? Oh well. I don't care by this point. He sits me on his office chair, and I flip onto my own lap. "Sit up for me, please Kid? You need to do this for me." I pull myself up, but it feels like I'm being stabbed whenever I move. I rest my head on the back of the chair. "Good, great. Now tell me what's wrong" I could only speak. Moving was to laborious for me. "It's my ribs. I feel like I'm being beaten." I could sense that those words made him feel bad for me, but I couldn't comfort him. I felt a hand lift up my shirt. "You're bleeding!" He rushed out of the room, and I swung my head forward. I stood up, and groaned in pain. I walked with assistance from the chair, and I met Mr Stark in the hall. "Get back in that chair! Now!" He left me no choice but to sit. He wheeled me back into his room, and showed me the bandages he brought back. Slowly, painfully and tightly, he wound the bandages around my waist. I groaned and whimpered as he helped me to stand, and it took us 30 minutes to get to the living room. Everyone looked up. I waved, and Mr Rogers helped me to a lounge chair. Mr Stark explained what happened, and Mr Thor went into the kitchen. He walked back into the room a few minutes later with a bowl of soup. "Eat this. Well, drink this." He then produced a trash can and places it beside my chair. "Th-thanks but I'm not hungry." Mr Stark rose to his feet in anger. What did I do wrong? I told the truth. I wasn't hungry. "NOT HUNGRY?! HOW CAN YOU NOT BE HUNGRY! YOU HAVEN'T KEPT DOWN A MEAL IN WEEKS!" I shrunk back and started to shake. Was he going to hurt me? Do I deserve to be hurt? He must have seen me shaking, because he lowered his voice. "Pete, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I'm not going to hurt you." I was still shaking. He's broken my trust. How do I know he won't hurt me out of rage in the future? Exactly. I don't. Painfully, I stand up and push away my offered help. I move and sit beside Mr Rogers. He opens his arms, and I nuzzle into his jumper. I begin to cry, and he comforts me by rubbing my back gently. After a few seconds, Miss Romanoff tells Mr Stark. "Maybe you should leave. You've clearly scared him." I hear footsteps and a door closing. I look up, and see people leaving. I look up at Mr Rogers. "I'm not going anywhere, kiddo, you're ok." I nuzzle back in, and before long, I fall asleep.

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