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=Peter's P.O.V=
We sat there for what felt like ages, talking about Peggy and what it was like during the war. He cried once or twice, but I was there to help him through it. For once in my life, I could help someone. When Mr Rogers was finished, he helped me up. I didn't need the help, but I let him think I did. We walked to the common room together, which only had Mr Stark left in it. "Hey kid! Where did you disappear to?" I explained what me and Mr Rogers were talking about, and Mr Stark walked over and hugged Mr Rogers. I asked what time it was, and FRIDAY told us that it was 7:57pm. Really? I'm shattered. I say goodnight, and head to the medical ward. "Hey, where you going? Haven't you seen your room yet?" I shook my head. Like I mentioned earlier, I've never had a proper room. With tears in my eyes, Mr Stark walked me to a blue door. It had a black 'S' in the centre. I opened the door, and some silent tears fell down my cheeks. I walked in and saw a blue desk and a high tech computer, along with a colour changing lamp. My bed was a double bed with spider bedsheets and massive pillows, and my light was built into the roof. I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands. "Kid! Are you ok? Does something hurt?" I shook my head. How could I be upset after seeing this? My first room? "No Mr Stark, it's amazing. This is my first proper room." He knelt down beside me. "What do you mean? What about at Mays?" I told him that I had the office, and he ruffled my hair. "Welcome to the Avengers kid." I was shaking. I'm an Avenger! This is going to be amazing. I brushed myself off and stood up. "Kid, we need to tell you something." I sat down on the edge of the bed and Mr Stark joined me. Only then did I see Mr Rogers and Mr Wilson standing in the doorway. Mr Stark signalled for them to come in, and they sat beside me. "Well, Kid, see its your aunt. You see, she well, she was attacked today."

=Tony's P.O.V=
The kid looked unphased. Like he knew what I was gonna say. "I'm not surprised. It was bound to happen. Speaking of which, how did it happen?" I was shocked by this response. Surely this isn't a good mindset. "FRIDAY, show the footage of the attack on May Parker." A tv lowered from the ceiling and FRIDAY played a video pictured right outside a nearby bar. May stumbled into a man, who immediately took aggressively to her. The man lifted his hand, revealing a a knife. Multiple strikes to the head and neck left her bleeding and unconscious. The film then fast forwarded to the ambulance arriving and May being taken away. I looked over at Pete, who was crying silently and shaking. It doesn't make sense, he was almost killed by the woman who is in a coma. Why did he care?

=Peter's P.O.V=
Mr Stark showed me the tape of May being put in a coma. She used to hurt me sure, but she was my only family left. During the tape, I cried silently and started to shake. What if she never wakes up? When the film finished, I stood up in front of the others and looked Mr Stark straight in the eyes. "What hospital?" Mr Stark told me what room she was in and in which hospital, and I grabbed my backpack. I ran out of the room and took the elevator to the lobby. I called a cab, and as I got in, I heard Mr Stark. "KID! Kid! Wait, don't leave. You can't see her." I yelled for him to leave me alone, and slammed the cab door. Within minutes, I'm clambering out of the cab and running into the hospital. I stumble to the front desk. "M-ay Pa-ark-er" I pant, and a nurse takes me to Mays room. I see her, wrapped in bandages and hooked up to so many wires I couldn't focus. I pulled a plastic chair up to her bedside, and rested my head in my hands.

=Tony's P.O.V=
"Guys! It's been four days! Peter hasn't came home! He's still at the hospital! I'm going to get him." I charged out of the room after finishing my statement. Nat followed me. "Tony, I know you care about him. I do too, but he's grieving! Visit him, but don't take him away. Phone us if something's happened. Ok?" I nodded in agreement, it was a good plan. I drove to the hospital and went into the front desk. "I'd like you to show me to May Parker's room please." She happily complied and soon we were in the woman's room. The nurse asked to see me, so we stepped outside. "May Parker was pronounced brain dead two days ago. Mr Parker refuses to take her off life support. If you could, we would like you to sign the waiver to end her suffering." I just nodded, tears in my eyes, and signed the papers. We all walked into the room. I placed a hand on Peters shoulder and he jumped at the contact. "S-s-sir h-help her! A-sa-ve her." He turned around. His eyes were deep red, and his voice was dry and croaky. His face was red and his eyes looked exhausted. I looked up, and saw a flat line on the heart monitor. The kid started to scream and clung onto  his little plastic chair. I scooped him up, and turned to the nurse. "When did he last eat miss?" She shook her head. "No ones seen him eat. We've tried to encourage him, but he just refused." I said thank you and carried her kicking, screaming little kid to my car. I sat him down in the back seat, and buckled him in. I climbed into the  front, and drove to the facility. On the way, the kid calmed down and ended up falling asleep. When we arrived, he didn't really stir, so I shook him a little. All he did was grab hold of my waist like a teddy bear. I awkwardly picked him up and walked to the elevator. "Avengers floor please." I arrived on the floor and walked into the common room. "Sorry I couldn't call. His aunt was pronounced brain dead two days ago, and I had to take her off life support." Everyone was on their feet. I sat on the couch and unlatched the kid. He woke up soon after. He looked around and saw everyone. He lunged towards me and sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed his back, and soon he was back asleep. I lay him down on the couch and left to get some sleep. When I woke up, the only people in the common room was a very happy Thor and Sam Wilson. "Where's Peter? What happened?" As if on cue, I heard a crash and a clatter in the hall. I darted to the noise, and see a locked closet rattling around. I command FRIDAY to open it, and a terrified Peter stumbled on top of me. He looked around before locking eyes with Sam. He stumbled towards him, and sucker punches Sam in the jaw. This renders him unconscious, and Peter sinks to his knees and rolls over onto his side. Peter was whisper-shouting to himself "Let me out. I'm stuck, don't let me die." Over and over. Sam is up and using the wall to steady himself. "What's up with him?" I shrugged and sat beside the now sobbing teenager. I started to talk to him, trying to make sense of why he was like this. "Peter? You're ok. It's Tony. It's Mr Stark, you are safe. You. Are. Safe." The boy shook his head. Did he not think he was safe? I tapped his shoulder. No response. I sat Peter up on the wall beside the cupboard. "Pete, do you know where you are?" He nodded. Oh thank god. "I-I-I'm sstuck und-under a bu-buil-building." I spoke too soon. What was he talking about? Was this a flashback? Does Peter have PTSD? I decided to treat it as such until I have more information. "No Peter, you're not. You are sitting against a wall, in the Avengers Facility. You are talking to Mr Stark, and you are safe." I repeated versions of this, until the kid sorta snapped out of his fearful trance. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Mr Stark... Where was I?" I explained what happened to the kid, and he just nodded along. I still had questions, but the kid was clearly still scared. "Kid, what happened? Do you have PTSD?" The kid looked taken aback, but he seemed ok to tell me.

=Peter's P.O.V=

Since Mr Stark helped me, I thought it only fair to tell him why he had to in the first place. I took a deep breath. "Do you remember when you took my suit away from me?" Mr Stark nodded. "Well, I was headed to Homecoming with my date and her dad. I realised early on he was the Vulture. I was downright terrified. He sent my date in, and threatened me when she was out of earshot. He told me following him would end up with me dead. I ended up following him anyway, and I caught up to him in an old warehouse. He made his wings chop the suspension holding the building down, and he escaped, leaving me trapped under the rubble. The rest of the events you know about." It broke me to tell them, but if they know now, I should tell them what else I've been experiencing on my own. I looked at Mr Wilson. I might apologise later, but he shouldn't have locked me in a closet. "There's more." Mr Stark looked at me, shocked and confused. " I have nightmares every night since homecoming. " By the end of my story, everyone in the hall was shocked. Mr Stark looked concerned, like he had more questions for me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and made me look him in the eyes. "How much sleep so you get, on average, every night?" I was scared to answer . Why did he want to know? What was he going to do? "I-I um I think um maybe... 2 hours?" I was pretending not to know, but I knew, I only have 1 and a half hours of sleep a day, sometimes less. Thor and Mr Wilson had left, and Mr Stark was helping me up. I stumble forward, and my eyesight is clouded and spotty. "Mr Stark, h-help. I can't f-focus" Everything was blurry, and then black.

=Tony's P.O.V=
The kid went limp in my arms. What am I meant to do? I told FRIDAY to wake up Bruce and meet me in the Medical Ward. This kid hasn't eaten in days. He is close to death, and he needs serious medical attention.

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