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=Peter's P.O.V=
Mr Stark adopted me, which didn't make sense. Why would he want me back? I gathered my stuff up nonetheless, and followed him downstairs. I know he noticed my facial situation, and he tried to comfort me, but I'm terrified someone is going to hurt me. In the past month, the only reason people lay a finger on me is to hurt me. I've lost that childlike trust. Pepper and Mr Stark signed the papers, and took me to their car. I sat in the back, hood up, head down. I remained silent until we arrived back at the Avengers Facility. I got my bags and went to a guest room. I've still not eaten, not since last Wednesday. Today is Saturday. I wasn't hungry anyway. I sprawled myself over my bed. This can't be happening. They'll send me back, enjoy it while it lasts. I was startled by FRIDAYs voice. "Dinner is ready, Peter. Avengers Floor." Guess the Avengers are joining us. I shuffle to the elevator and FRIDAY took me to the appropriate floor. I walk in to the dining room/game room, where I noticed only me and Nat were missing. I awkwardly slip myself between Cap and Mr Stark, sitting in a comfortable wooden chair. Across from me is Sam Wilson, Thor and Barton. Beside Mr Stark is Pepper and Mr Banner. On the other side of Cap is Wanda and an empty seat for Nat. We begin to eat our Pizza, until I hear something VERY negative. Stilettos clicking on a wooden floor. I'm getting hurt, abused and neglected. I'm back at the home. Oh god, the pain, unbearable. My chest is tightening and black spots cloud my vision. I am getting pulled from my assumed panic attack, by Mr Wilson. He has experience in helping people with PTSD. Is that what this is? I hear him comfort me, and feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso. When my eyes finally show me the dining room again, I find I'm on the floor, and Cap is hugging me while Sam comforts me. "I-Where-What happened?" Cap helps me up and Mr Stark explains. "Nat came in wearing high heels, and you spiralled into a PTSD-based panic attack, you fell off your chair, and Sam helped you out of your painful state." I was still unstable on my feet, so Cap helped me to a couch in the living room. I sat down, and the Avengers came around to where I was, dispersing around the room. "What happened in that orphanage?" Oh boy... Mr Stark wants to know what happened. I stare into his eyes, almost begging for him not to make me tell, but he wasn't going to back down, so I began. "When I arrived, I was shoved into a mouldy old room, filled with boys of different ages. For dinner we had Haribo packets, and I left the little kids to eat them instead. When one of the little boys took a second packet, she was going to hurt him, so I took the beating instead. After that day, any punishment I could take, I would take." By this point, I was shaking and crying, while fidgeting with my hands. Nat came over to me. I sobbed and fell into her shoulder. She pulled me up gently and calmed me down, before asking a very important question. "When did you last eat?" I shook my head, I didn't want to answer, but it just slipped out. "L-a-st Wed-nesd-ay." Everyone gasped. I get I should elaborate. "Don't worry! I've went on longer, and you can't fully see my ribs yet... so really," Mr Stark interrupted. "DONT DOWNPLAY THIS PETE!" I flinched and the sound, and I looked up. The lights were too bright. I was listening to conversations on the street below, and I could smell sandwiches four miles away. Sensory Overload. Fuck. I block my ears and clamp my eyes shut, but I can still smell. I can taste bile in my mouth, but I hold it in. I hear Mr Stark say "Activate Overload Protocol" and everything goes pitch black. I open my eyes after detecting the  lack of light through my eyelids. I can still hear the conversations in the street, and the smell of the sandwiches, and taste the bile in my mouth. I hear someone stumble to me, putting ear defenders on my ears, and giving me nose plugs. Slowly, the lights turn back on, and my overload finally ends. I remove the gear. "Sorry" I walk up to the kitchen. I'm starving, literally. "You hungry kid?" I nod, the bile finally gone. He makes some mac 'n' cheese for me, and I eat 24.5 servings before I'm full. Before anyone questions it, I dart out of the room saying "GOING ON PATROL! BYEEEEE!" And taking off my clothes, pulling on my suit, and running off the balcony,, catching myself before I become a human pancake. I follow this swinging pattern until I find a high up rooftop. I sit down and catch my breath, while KAREN scans for danger. I see the blue scanner wipe across my vision, before KAREN speaks again. "Massive tower block one mile away. It seems to be on fire." I jump up at the end of the information. Very interesting. I swing over easily and before I even know it, I'm in front of the burning building. I go around making sure everyone knows if anyone is missing. I hear a small voice beside me. "M-m-my mu-mmy I-is in the-re. B-broth-er too." I ask what floor they're in, in case I have to jump during the rescue. "T-op Floor" Hen no jumping for me. I crawl up the building until I reach a broken window on the top floor. I go in feet first, getting cut by millions of glass shards on the window and floor. I use my gloved hands to move the burned debris, obviously getting burned myself. I can't find them. "CALL IF YOU'RE UP HERE!" I yell at the top of my lungs, inhaling lots of smoke before having a coughing fit. I'm still coughing myself when I see a hand pop through a hole in the wall. I leap over, getting burned and still coughing like a madman. I pick up the boy in one arm, while helping the presumed mum up beside me. I can't go out the window with them, so I get KAREN to scan the building for a new route, along with structural damage. She says he stairs are clear, just slightly burning, and the roof is going to collapse in 42 seconds. I dart to the stairwell and jump over the fire spots. We make it o the lobby, and KAREN says "5 seconds Peter." I put down the boy and tell them to run. When I do this, I know they aren't going to make it unless I hold the roof up for them. I brace for impact. 3. 2. 1. The ceiling cracks, and he entire building comes crashing down into my hands. It feels like eternity before I look to see her and her son reunited with her daughter. I can't move. Bones in my back start cracking, and I feel unbearable pain shoot through all my ribs. My ankles starts cracking, as well as my wrists and shoulder blades, before the ceiling cracks so much that the rest of the building comes on top  of me. I lie there, suffocating, in pain, stuck and waiting to die. I hear my name being called faintly, but it's getting louder. I want to reach out, get the person calling me, but I black out.
=Tony's P.0.V.=
When Peter was on patrol, it was an understatement to say I was worried. Pep took my mind off it by taking me to my lab. I was working on new web shooters for Peter when I heard FRIDAY speak. "Peter is trapped below a building boss." My suit formed around me and I flew to Peter's coordinates. They took me to a collapsed and charred building. People were digging, so I flew down. I could find exactly where Pete was, so I blasted through 15 floors worth of rubble before I saw blue spandex. I slowly cleared away the rubble and held up he limp figure. "I'm taking him." I told the digging people before racing to the Avengers Facility. Bruce took him from me and I followed him. "Wait outside Tone, come on." I wanted to argue, but there was no use.

=Peter's P.O.V=
When I woke up, no one was here. I knew I was back at the Facility, but no one was there. I buzzed using the bedside button, and Mr Banner cane rushing in. "Can I walk? Is it o-ok for me to walk?" He walked over to my bed. "Yeah your bones healed really fast, you should be ok." He comes to help me, but I flinch away. It's not voluntary. I push myself up and walk out of the medical ward. Subconsciously I make the decision to go to the living room. I see every one of the avengers here apart from Bruce. They are watching Terminator, so I go on the roof, crawling over to where there's a gap between couches. I slot myself in unnoticed. Every time I do this, FRIDAY times how long it takes until they notice me. It happens a lot when I visit. Now they've moved onto Harry Potter! Oh my god! This is great. Suddenly, Mr Stark looks to me and shrieks like a little girl. I'm doubling over in laughter. "How long were you there for?!" FRIDAY answers, since I'm still laughing. "4hrs and 29.34 minutes." Then everyone starts laughing. This is gonna be great!

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