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We snuggle down together and watch yet another Harry Potter movie. Thor hadn't seen them, so we were basically binge watching all the movies possible. I sit on the roof. It is rather comfy, but the movie was upside down. Eventually, I am coaxed down from the ceiling using popcorn. I slip in between Pepper and Mr Stark and soon enough I'm asleep, but not soundly.

~<I'm holding a building up again, but with a body in my vision. It's Ben. Bleeding out of the gunshot wound profusely. I want to reach out and help him, but I'll get crushed. "Why didn't you save me? You're such a disappointment." His head falls back, his eyes occupied by hazy death. The body is replaced by Ned and MJ hurt and reaching out for me. "You killed us. You should be ashamed." They day in unison. They're hands drop down and their eyes close, before taking their last breaths. I sob "No! I didn't mean it!" Before the body is replaced once more. It's May, a man and a woman. My mum and dad. May is beaten to a pulp, and my mum and dad are seriously burned. Together they all say "Of course we never loved you, but no one deserves to be murdered by a relative. Save us." I only cry. I have no words. Why would I? I reach out to them and try to save them, but the roof collapsed on us. They poof out of existence, and as I call for help, Mr Stark comes to me. "H-help me! MR STARK!" He shakes his head and scowls at me. "You don't deserve to live. Murderer. Killer. Pathetic. Disappointment." I just sob and let the pain consume me.>~

I shoot awake and jump onto the roof anticipating danger. Tears are streaming down my face and dripping onto Mr Starks clean shirt. Mr Hawkeye jumps up and grabs me down from the roof and into his arms. I try to hold back my tears, but they spill out, making Clint grab me tight and rock me. This comforts me enough so I don't cry, but the words of my dead friends and family circle around my head. When I sit up on Clints lap, no one else is there. In a way, this helps me calm down. Not as many people watching me panic. Clint moves me to the seat beside him, and asks what happened. I tell him everything in detail, crying but pushing him away until I finish. "That sounds terrible, kiddo. How long have you had these nightmares?" I could tell he was trying to be sensitive, but he was trying to help. "Sin-since hom-ecomi-ng" I started to hyperventilate and remember the terrible pain I was in that day. My palms get sweaty and my chest tightens. It hurts to breathe, and I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Peter... come back!" I find a heartbeat, and copy the breathing pattern associated with it. Soon I calm down, and I meet the grinning face of Clint Barton. "What-Why are you smiling?" He chuckled. "Wanna patrol with me?" YES! I love patrol with Hawkeye. Even if something small happens he makes it enjoyable or worthwhile. I must be smiling, because he continued "Thought so! Suit up" I run to my room and got into my vibrant suit, before meeting Hawkeye on the balcony. I feel more confident in my suit. I leap forward and off the concrete before swinging across to Queens, Hawkeye zip lining far behind me. I ask KAREN to scan for trouble, and boy did she find some. "Bus going over a bridge 2 blocks away, Peter. School children involved." Usually I would find this interesting, but not today. This is gonna hurt. A lot. Ignoring these negative thoughts, I swing towards the danger. I see kids in a bright yellow school bus, with none other than green goblin holding them over the edge. I swing closer, and he lets go. The bus rolls over the edge, and I grab it before it plummets into the icy cold water below. I attach a web or two to the front of the bus and another to the bridge, me in the middle. I feel like I'm being torn limb from limb, and I start to scream. Hawkeye finally catches up to the fight, and arrests the green goblin before shooting a zip line to the broken front window of the bus. I feel like someone is now carving through me with a hot knife. After about 10 minutes, the only person left is the driver. When he and Hawkeye are safe at the top, I just let go. Of both webs. I feel cold wind surround me for a few seconds, replaced with freezing water moments later. I would have fought but I let myself fall, before being surrounded by darkness.
When I woke up, I was coughing like crazy. There was so much water in my lungs, I didn't care if I was soaking wet on the outside. It took me ages before I could breathe again, and even then it really hurt. I was helped to stand up by Clint, and there was a hot piercing sensation in my side. I doubled over, and ended up falling to my knees, where I started to cough even more. I had my eyes closed, but I heard Clint say "Kiddo! You ok? You're coughing up blood and water... stupid question." I hadn't stopped coughing since he said that, and black spots are clouding and distorting my vision. I felt arms pick me up, before blacking out.
Again I woke up coughing. Tears are crowning my eyesight, but I blink them away. Bright lights are blinding me, and I groan in pain as I sit up. "Whoa kid, you shouldn't be awake! BANNER!" I flinch at the sound. It's way to loud for my heightened senses. I see Bruce walk in and lightly push away the man. "Hey kiddo..." he spoke softly. "Can you lay down? We can't sedate you because your system rejects it." I lie down and close my eyes. I felt every cut and re-break of the bones, and I scream a lot, but after an hour, we were done. I was moved into a new bed and Mr Stark came to see me. "Hey Underoos, Don't scare us like that!" He playfully punched my arm, and I faked being hurt. "You should be healed within a few days, but until then no lifting buses!" I laughed, and the memory replayed in my head. What the hell was I thinking? Oh well, at least no one was hurt... Mr Stark walked away, and I start to cough violently, and my chest starts to heave with every breath. There's a sharp pain in my left lung, and I can't breathe. I start to suffocate, choking on air, when Dr Banner came in to check on me. I see dark spots, but before I blacked out, I heard the words 'Collapsed lung'.

I believe it was only a few minutes later when I woke up, and I had a mask on my nose and mouth. I try taking it off, but I see Mr Banner come back over to me. "No, no, no! Leave it on Peter... you can't quite breathe by yourself yet, you had a collapsed lung, so you just need to wait." Well this sucks. I sigh, and decide to sleep for a bit, since there isn't really anything else I can do.

~Tony's P.O.V~
When I came to check on Peter once more, he was sleeping with an oxygen mask on. I asked Bruce if I could take it off, and he said yes, because Peter can breathe on his own now. I watch my movements carefully to make sure I don't hurt him further by removing the mask, and successfully don't wake him up in the process. Peter starts to shake and scream and cry in his sleep, and he doesn't respond when I call his name. I shake his awake. "M-M-Mr Sta-rk! I... I'm really- I can't-I'm sorry!" He's sobbing into my shoulder. How do I comfort him? I stroke my hands through his curls, and say soothing words to him. "Shhh, Peter, you're safe. Bimbo mio." The italian just slipped out. I just called Peter 'my baby' but I didn't care. He was my son, genetics or not, and I will always protect him.

=Peter's P.O.V=
Did Mr Stark just call me his baby? I mean I'm honoured, but I didn't know we were that close! We didn't even hug each other less than a month ago. I don't mind. When we both calm down, we both sit on the bed. "It's ok Mr Stark... you can leave. I need to get dressed, anyway." I could tell he wanted to get out of the situation. He breathed a sigh I believe of relief, and stood up. "I'll be in the living room with the others, alrighty?" I nod, and he walks out. I grab some clothes from my backpack that lays beside me. I really need a new one. I painfully get dressed, and start walking towards the kitchen/living room area. I wasn't hungry, but if I didn't eat soon, I might just starve. I walk in and collapse to my knees. It's way too sore, I've walked too soon. I must have created some racket, because before I know it, all the avengers swarm around me and Nat and Banner help me up. "Hi." Bruce turns to face me. "Don't 'hi' me Mr Parker! You aren't meant to be walking!" I shrug and curl towards Nat. Something doesn't feel right. I have I really bad headache, my clothes feel scratchy and uncomfortable and the lights are blinding me all of a sudden. I shove my face into Aunty Nat's shoulder, and people start talking to me all at once. I crumble to the ground, covering my ears and squeezing my eyes shut. It's too much! I cry and it hurts to breathe even more than usual. I open my eyes and hiss at the lights, before black spots are all I can see. Nat bends down in front of me and places one of my hands to her chest, taking deep breaths. Unknowingly, my breathing evens out, and I can see again. My overload is still happening, but at least I can see. Nat removes my hand. "Peter, is this an overload?" She whispers, and I nod in response. She walks out of my vision, and I scrunch my eyes up again in attempt to block some of my senses. Rather loudly, Nat whisper-shouts "Everyone out." I whimper, hearing protests and footsteps. I reopen my eyes. Nat picks me up when everyone is outside the room, and we sit on the couch and wait for a while until the sensory overload is over. I face Nat. "Thank you moma-spider." She smiles at my thanks, and grabs my hand. "You're welcome, my baby spider." I still don't feel good. My stomach churns and my head hurts, and my ears are sore, not to mention I'm shaking even though I feel hot. My stomach leaps once more, and before I know it, I'm throwing up on Momma Spider. My chest really hurts. "S-orr-y Nat" I manage to choke out. She smiles at me. "Why? You just have a little bug. Lets just get to your room, okay?" She picked me up while I was coughing and spluttering, and soon I felt the welcoming sheets of my bed below me. My chest was burning. I soon fell asleep holding onto Nat's hand, needing that small amount of comfort.

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