Avengers Facility

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=Tony's P.O.V=

Once we were in the elevator, the kid stumbled back into the railings. I'm really getting concerned. "FRIDAY, you there?" "Yes sir. What is wrong?" The kid seemed to be getting worse by the minute. "Call Bruce. I don't care if he's busy. Do it." The ringing started, and I was getting impatient. I didn't hang up though. I need his help. Eventually he picked up. "Hey Stark, what's up? You don't have to call me. I'm upstairs." As he said this, the kid just collapsed. I started to panic. "Right. Bruce, get me at the Med Wing. I have Peter here, and... you'll see when we get there, ok?" I told FRIDAY to take me to the Medical Floor, and as soon as the doors opened, Bruce was waiting for me. He helped me lift Peter out and into the Med Wing. We lay him down onto the nearest bed, and Bruce hooked him up to an IV. I pulled up a plastic chair beside his bed and sat for roughly 3 hours waiting for him to wake up. I didn't leave. He woke up after around 3 hours and my heart lifted.

=Peter's P.O.V=

I woke up after I don't know how long. I didn't care. I didn't want to wake up. Where am I? Just let me die, please. I looked around me. This place was high-tech. I looked to my right, and I saw Mr. Stark! What? Did he see me pass out? Oh god! Should I fall back asleep? Will I leave? Yeah, lets leave. As I begin to get up, Mr Stark pushes me back down. "No, stay. I'm getting Bruce." He leaves the room, and I realise I'm hooked up to an IV. I rip it out, which draws blood, but I don't really notice it. I stand up, and get dizzy. I push through the dizziness and walk out. I find the elevator, and a voice speaks to me. "Hello, Mr Parker. Nice to see you awake. Shall I inform Mr Stark?" I don't know how to react, so I just talk back. "No! No don't. I'm leaving, K? Don't tell Mr Stark" I get to the ground floor and dart out of the door before anyone can stop me. I realise my backpack is still on my back, but I don't have my mask. I am not going back in there! I call a cab. I climb in and tell them to take me to Queens. Nowhere specific. He stops outside Midtown Tech. Perfect. I pay the guy and thank him, before stepping out of the cab and he drives off. I check my phone for the time. 6:28pm. Oh Shit! May's literally going to kill me. I run down the street and into the apartment block. I jog upstairs and knock on the door. No one says to come in, so I just walk in. The sight I see is horrendous. May is stumbling around the kitchen holding an empty wine bottle. She sees me and walks towards me, a crooked finger pointing at my chest. "Y-y-you lefffffft!" I'm scared to say anything, so I stay silent. She raises her bottle, and brings it smashing down on my shoulder. I scream in pain, glass shards sink into my skin. Tears gather in my eyes, but I know she isn't done yet. I sink to my knees, silently crying and gripping my shoulder. She grabs the TV remote, and stars hitting the exact same shoulder over and over. Then she starts to kick my stomach and pushes me over. She continues her kicking, and leaves to get to the kitchen. She reaches into the cutlery drawer and pulls a steak knife out. With a deranged look, she walks over to me, and I curl into a foetal position and protect my head. This is how I am going to die. She cuts into my back multiple times before dropping the knife to the floor. She leaves my field of view, and I just start to cry. I don't stand up, I just stay down. I hear footsteps in the hall and in the apartment, and May comes back into view. The footsteps outside are getting closer, but I don't care. May has a bat. Ben's bat. She raises it above her head and hits me multiple times over the head. I get dizzy, but I fight to stay awake. May leaves the bat beside the knife, and suddenly there's a knock on the door. May stumbles over, leaving me to bleed out. When she manages to open the door, which takes a while, and I don't pay attention to who's actually there until I hear his voice. "Kid! You're Bleeding! What did you do to him?!" It sounds like Mr Stark, but I can't really move. "S-s-sir? Mr S-s-stark? Is that y-y-y-y-you?" I hear protests and footsteps, and then I see Mr Stark's face appear beside mine. "I'm here kid. Stay wit me, don't drift off, ok?" I try to nod, but it causes even more pain. Mr Stark stands up and I hear ringing. No! He can't phone someone. Anyone. No one can know. Painfully, I stand up and scream as I do so. I look him dead in the eye and knock the phone out of his hand. All my energy goes into pushing him out of the door and May closes it. I grab the bloodied knife and head to my room. Self Harm is going to be mentioned a lot from now on, along with PTSD, flashbacks and other horrible things. Sorry! I collapse on my bed and look up at the ceiling. I lift the knife and my sleeves, and cut up and down my arm. I was creating fresh cuts, and re-opening old ones. I hear whooshes above me outside my window, but I can barely lift my head, never mind Look out the window. I'm still bleeding out, and I'm getting dizzy. I roll over and throw up, stretching my back wounds open even further. I hear repulsors charging up and glass smashing, just to look up and see Iron Man standing above me. I groan and scream as my blood comes gushing out of every cut on my body. Mr Stark picks me up under my arms and pulls me out of my room. I want to fight, but I physically can't. He flies me back to the Avengers Facility, and I verbally protest as he and Bruce take me to the Medical Wing. Once they put me in a bed, Mr Stark left to have a shower, and Bruce painfully removed the glass from my shoulder. I screamed a lot, and he apologised a lot. He wrapped up my back and shoulder to stop the bleeding, and rolled up my sleeves to hook up my water IV. He saw the fresh cuts and the scars. "Don't tell him. Don't. Seriously." Bruce looked at my face, and back at my eyes. He knew I was serious. "If I don't, you'll keep doing it. Sorry, but I have to." I couldn't be bothered caring. I would find another way to do it anyway. be bandaged my arm and as a result, couldn't hook up my IV. I was relieved. As long as I don't drink, I'll pass away painlessly. As if he could read my mind, Bruce asked me to drink some water when he was still in the room. He told me at minimum, 500ml will keep me alive. Maybe I don't really want to die. I'm not sure. I'm never sure. Wait, I don't. I want to live. I'll stay alive for now, but if anything bad happens, no one will save me. Bruce has a look of concern spread across his face. He's tried before. Mr. Stark returns from his shower, hair dripping, concern also on his face. "Kid, why didn't you let me call the Police? Has she done this before? What did she do to you?" I didn't want to answer, at least not in front of Bruce. "I will tell you everything, answer all you questions, if Bruce isn't here. No offence but I don't know you." Bruce seems to be happy to leave, and Mr Stark takes his seat. I take a few deep breaths before beginning my 'story'. "First of all, don't interrupt me when I talk. Ask questions at the end, or if I cry. Now onto the story. May has beaten me and abused me since Ben died 2 and a half years ago." Mr Stark looked shocked, but didn't interrupt. "She has done everything from blame me from his death to stabbing my arm repeatedly. What you saw wasn't the worst I've endured." Mr Stark almost gagged. I was surprised, but answered his last question. "The reason I didn't let you call the cops is because yes, she's abusive and violent and a drunk, but she's my only family left. I love her, and she is right, I do deserve it. You learn to live with it, the fear and the pain." I hadn't realised that I'd started to cry, but I brush away the tears, and turned back to Mr Stark. He looked shocked. I wonder why. Isn't it normal to live with pain?

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