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Bruce and I have been working around the clock to find a cure for Peter, and we've finally got it. Pure dissolved paper. It's weird, granted, but it works. When we give it to Peter, it should work within minutes. We've set up the injection, so all we need is Peter. He hasn't eaten in almost a week, and he does try, but everything comes back up. I run to Peters bed with a very small amount of the cure. "Peter... we found the cure! And it should work pretty quickly, if you don't move too much, ready? Good." I didn't wait for the answer. I injected the kid, and then we waited for it to work.

=Peter's P.O.V=
I started to feel the effect of the cure almost instantly. I was starving, but I felt like myself again. I jump up to my feet, and Mr Stark lunged to catch me. "No Mr Stark, seriously, I'm fine!" I want to go on patrol, and visit my friends, so I ask Mr Stark. He nods in agreement, as long as I didn't get hurt. I changed into my suit. I opened the window and swung from building to building until I reached Ned's. Then we walked to MJ's house, and stopped to help a lost old lady to Queens Shopping Centre. We picked up MJ, and then walked to a park. I sat in a tree, and people took photos, but I didn't mind. When we were walking back to MJ's (since it was closer) we took a shortcut. My spider sense went off, and we cut into an alleyway. I turned around as my spider sense went off again, to see four men pointing guns at me. I shoved my friends behind some wheelie bins, and realised I was out of web fluid. Great. I raise my fists to fight as the men open fire. Rapid fire. I dodged most of the bullets, but I wasn't quick enough to dodge one headed straight for my heart. I jumped, and it hit just below my ribs. I stumble back, and someone else shoots me in the leg. I fall to my knees, and one man walked up to me, shooting me in the abdomen. I was bleeding out, which shouldn't happen. I look down to my ribs, and scream as I see right through my body. My healing couldn't help me here. I fall to my back, and the men run, believing their job to be done. Bed and MJ rush towards me, and I start seeing spots. "Peter, you seem very hurt. I'm calling Mr Stark." I nodded when KAREN said this, and after a few rings, I heard his voice. I couldn't speak, and I was crying my eyes out. I started to go unconscious, but I fought. "Hey kID! What happened?" MJ speaks up. "He was shot Mr Stark." Suddenly, he erupted from what looked like his seat. I groaned in pain, and it turned to a scream. "Right, that's it. I'm calling Happy to pick you up." I nodded, and screamed in agony before he hung up. I was fading in and out of consciousness, but I stayed awake until Happy arrived at the alley. He picked me up, and I grunted, it was so sore. I wanted to sleep, but I fought against it. I had to. MJ and Ned walked home, and Happy laid me in the back of his car. I kept seeing spots, but we arrived rather quickly back at the Facility. Tony had ran out to get me. "Kid! Oh my god! You've not healed!" I shook my head. I was in agony. I screamed as he picked me up. I grunted when he walked me to the medical room. I was laid on a metal chair. Bruce came running in. "Oh my god... Tone I can see his left ventricle!" He rushed toward me. He stapled my wounds shut. I'll heal but I'll have a scar or two. Within an hour, I was healed. Mr Stark got a phone call, and me and Bruce went to the common room.

=Tony's P.O.V=
I got a phone call from my lawyers office so I stepped outside. The kid left to the common room with Bruce. I answered the phone.
"Tony Stark speaking..."
"Oh yes, mr Stark. We have some news regarding the boy you are currently housing."
"Yes, what about Peter?"
"Well yes, Peter has to be removed to an orphanage for three weeks, in accordance with his aunts will."
"What!? When?" I was terrified.
"Tomorrow at 8:30am he is expected at Sunshine Orphanage. When the three weeks is up, he will be up for adoption. Goodbye."
My lawyer hung up. How am I meant to tell the kid. After a few minutes of consideration, I decide to tell him bluntly, ready to support him. I practically run to the common room, finding every avenger there. "Peter, can I talk to you in my lab? Don't worry, you can come back." I spoke up, trying to hide the worry laced in my voice. He skipped beside me as we walked, I opened my lab door, and we sat on my blue couch. "What's wrong, Mr Stark?" I sighed and pulled the kid closer. "Kid, oh god, um, see... you have to leave and go to an orphanage... I don't want you to leave! But it was in your aunts will, I'm so sorry." I saw the kid silently crying, breaking my heart. What could I have possibly said to make this easier?

=Peter's P.O.V=
Mr Stark had finally said the words I had been terrified of hearing. I'm shaking, but I don't cry. "When?" is the only word I can muster. He tells me tomorrow, so I head to my bed. I knew this was coming. I was expecting it. I just wasn't ready. I slam my door accidentally, curl up into a ball on my bed, and cry myself to sleep.
When I woke up, it was 6:49am. I reckoned I should pack, but I didn't have a lot of things anyway. I shove my clothes into a backpack, along with my phone, charger and photo of aunt May. I flung it over my back. Now I only have an hour left here. I tiptoe into the kitchen, and grab myself some toast before sitting on a barstool. I finish my breakfast and head to the couch. By the time I clean up my crumbs and mess in my room, I need to leave. No one seems to be up, so I talk to FRIDAY. "Hey FRIDAY, tell everyone I say goodbye. Wait until I leave though." I walk to the elevator and before I know it, I'm in the lobby. I charge out the door and go to the orphanage I was told about by Mr Stark. I knock on the door. A middle aged woman with a short bob answers. She takes a deep breath and yells "NEW ARRIVAL!" She pulls me in the door and I trip up. She kicks me in the ribs until I stand. "Top floor, first on your left. Dump your stuff and DONT SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO!" I run to my room, and open the door. I see about 12 other boys, ranging from toddler to teen, sitting on the floor, blankets and pillows scattered around the room. They haven't seemed to notice me. "H-hi im Peter." They turn to me and stand up. One by one they come and shake my hand, and the toddlers high five me. We play uno for a few hours, and then get called for dinner. The lady throws about 26 packs of haribo on the table. Keep in mind there's roughly 13 boys and 18 girls. I don't bother going for them. The little ones deserve it more. Maybe I can eat on patrol later. I look back at the table, seeing a little boy reaching fo his second packet. The lady raised her belt. "Don't be greedy!" I jumped in front of my new roommate. "He's hungry! Leave him be!" I shouted at the lady. He was only a kid, he doesn't deserve it. She lowered the belt and grabbed my wrists. Violently, she yanks me into a room, presumably her office. "You have no opinion here! He was greedy, and he needs punished!" My body was shaking, but I put on a brave face. She stepped on my toes with her stilettos. I screamed in pain, wanting her to stop. I wasn't apologising yet though. She stopped eventually, and pushed me onto the floor, before hitting me in the head and back I'm assuming with a bat of some kind. My head was pounding, and I tried to stand up, and when I did, she pushed me back to the wall. "No food or water for 10 days... go to your room, out of my sight." TEN DAYS! ILL STARVE! At this point, I'd never eat again if those kids never got punished. I was let go, and I jogged to the shared room. I was bleeding through my shirt, but I know I'll heal soon.

I swing back to the home from school. I'm so weak by this point, I'm basically walking. My body has deep scars and bruises littered around, but the kids I live with haven't been abused by the lady. I volunteer for them. They can't get hurt like me. I haven't eaten a proper meal in months, and in the weeks I've been away from Mr Stark, I've eaten a total of 2 packs of haribo and a club sandwich, along with drinking a bottle of water. You can see my skeletal system, but I don't care. When I have the option to eat, I do, but my body isn't used to a meal larger than a sandwich. I reach the home and see a Porsche outside. Someone's getting adopted, and I know it's not me. I tiptoe into the rundown home, hearing a commotion in the lady's office. She's obviously talking to a child, which means the people looking to adopt are still in their car. I dart into the office, seeing a toddler about to be whipped. Just as the whip is coming down, I push the little girl down, letting the whip come down on my face. Multiple times. The little girl runs away, murmuring "thanks Peter" and running out. I follow, going back to my room. The mark is bleeding and scarring, but by this point it's the least of my worries.

=Tony's P.O.V=
When the kid was taken away, I locked myself in the lab until the three weeks were up. I ate normally every day, but I didn't leave. If I left, I faced reality. About four months ago, Pep approached me, asking if I was willing to look for a son to adopt. Now I'm standing in front of Peter Parker's orphanage, resist to adopt. We knock, and a very angry lady opens up. She only says one sentence. "Who are you looking for?" I explain I want to adopt a son, aged 13+ if possible. She pulls me and Pepper inside. This place looks horrible, so run down. She brings me to a room, and says "Pick" so I open the door. I see about a dozen blankets and pillows scattered across the floor, and about 15 boys. I look around, until I see Peter, reading in the corner. I point him out to Pepper. We walk downstairs and sign the needed papers, before returning to the room. I walk to Peter, and tap him on the shoulder. He flinched and looks up. I saw massive painful-looking scars forming on his face. What the hell did she do to my kid?

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