When a random guy flirts with you

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-You and Germany where at the park having a stroll around

-random guy/girl came to you and winked at you,  you just brushed it off

-not the same for Germany, he shot a death glare at the guy/girl

-he took a random chair and threw it at the guy/girl

-you just looked at him like 'wtf'



-You can Russia were talking

-couldn't help but laugh at Russia getting more drunk

-flirty (bf/n) came up to you and wrapped his shoulder around you

-Russia saw that he/she grabbed your ass and started gripping harder onto his vodka

''положи руку ей на задницу снова, и я позабочусь, чтобы ты не спал сегодня вечеромположи руку ей на задницу снова, и я позабочусь, чтобы ты не спал сегодня вечером '' (lay a hand on their ass again and i'll make sure you don't sleep tonight)


-doesn't get jelly often tbh

-you and Britain were walking back from the shops when a middle aged man/woman rolled down their car window

-they started flirting with (y/n), making her extremely uncomfortable

-Britain glared at the guy/girl and poured tea on them

''no tea for you.''


-You told America about this guy/girl in school, telling him how you were always getting that feeling someone was watching you

-You also told him that the person slapped your ass 'accidently'

''where's my gun?''

''no wa-''

(218 words kill me please)

(sorry if this is trashy, its truly my first time writing this much)

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