When you imitate them

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{ Germany }

- You were getting ready for school 

- You had just put on tie and glasses ( if you have them )

- Being the silly bean you were, you stared at your mirror

" why do I look like Germany?" You mutter to your self as you snickered 

- Germany was getting curious and wanted to check up on you

- heading upstairs he went to your door and knocked " We have 15 minutes to go." He called

- You didn't hear him from your own laughter 

- opening your door Germany looked to see what the cause of all the laughter was

- turning around You smugly grinned at him " I'm germsy and I have a unhealthy addiction to beer and paperwork, ja ja" you spoke in your fake German accent 

- sighing Germany left your room to let you finish changing in peace 

{ Russia }

- This was when you were 10

- You sat there happily with the new ushanka soviet got you 

- Sitting there, playing something on your ds

- On the level you were on you kept on failing

" why is this level so HARD" you groaned as you died for the tenth time

- Soviet  looked over to you and faintly smiled " if you don't know how to beat the game now just try some other time." He said in his thick Russian accent

- Nodding your head you shut down your ds and read a book

- As you were reading the book Russia entered the house, coming back from school

" привет пап, привет y/n " ( hello dad, hello y/n ) he greeted you two as the country put his backpack on the chair

- You got up from your seat on the couch and went over to the fridge, getting a water "привет России" you greeted your brother

- You sat back down on the couch and continued reading

- After 5 minutes of reading you placed your book back onto the dining table and went to your room

- You were playing on your ds when Russia entered your room, as if he was searching or something

" что ты ищешь?" ( What you looking for?) you asked , pausing your game 

"эй, можешь ли ты произвести на меня впечатление"( Hey, can you imitate me) Russia asked making you snort

- little did Russia know, he was in for a treat 

"я россия и я ненавижу школу, и я уже говорил, что у меня нездоровая одержимость ношением ушанки" (Im Russia and I hate school, and I have already said that I have an unhealthy obsession with wearing a ushanka ) you proudly said before resuming your game

- And Russia left your room, his face surprisingly shocked

{ Britain}

- In this you were 6 

- You one time woke up from a dream to see that you were the only one awake

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