Their reaction to you committing suicide

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Ok this is all of a sudden edgy, blame my thought for my Boredom

{Germany  🇩🇪}

- Didn't believe it at first

- As the day went on he began to believe 

- Like at 3 am just starts ugly sobbing

- Him remembering the best times you had with him surely didn't make it any better

- You were always trying to get him away from boring paperwork

- Third Reich already planning to make a whole ass world war on the people that were involved with it

- Germany refusing to stop working, or to even eat

{ Russia 🇷🇺}

- Trying to drink away the problems isn't gonna work anymore

- Silent sobbs 

- Refuses to leave his room, at any cause

- Also, ussr hunting down the people that made you do this

- Ukraine tries getting him out of his dark room, but to all his tries he refuses

" rus- please try eat something... all of us are worried."

"заикнись , разве ты не видишь, я хочу остаться ОДИН" ( shut up, don't you see I want to be ALONE) 

- Quietly sings Russian lullabies he used to sing to you when alone 

{Britain 🇬🇧}

- France already in tears the second she heard about you

- Tries to have tea to forget about the situation 

- Nope, just made him remember about the time you first tried tea

- like Germany Britain drowned himself in paperwork 

- France being a sad momma in law 

{Canada 🇨🇦}

- Thought ame was joking

- Until he saw ame give 'that' face

- He tried denying it so many times

" y/n has everything she could ask for, why would she do that?" He lied, pure worry content in his tone

- After a minute of denying he just balled out crying

- Making ame feel 1000x sadder

- Canada staying up till 3 am before sobbing himself to sleep

- Didn't want to eat

- nOT eVEn PAncAKES 

- Canada wasn't innocent as he was

- Stalked down the bullies on social media

- Started sent death threats to them

{America 🇺🇸}

- Ready to fucking shoot down the persons house 

- Tries to forget about it with McDonald's 

- Didn't give two fucks about anything 

- Ugly sobbing throughout the night

- Ignored everybody 

- Britain dragging him to a therapist 

- He just feels out of place

" Ame, me and the guys are gonna go ice skating wanna come?" Canada asked, peeking into America's dark and messy room

- Ame looked up to meet the countries gaze " nah, I'm good to be here. Go on and have fun."

{North Korea 🇰🇵 & South Korea 🇰🇷}

- North ready to fucking start ww3

- South a sad beano for a whole 2 months 

- The bros ready to terrorise the bullies

-  North actually trying to help south out of his sadness

- Even though he was as sad as him 

- Called the school about over 100+ times just to tell them to expel those fuckers

- Both of them crying at like 2-3 am

(520 words)

( this scrappy but I kinda needed to something)

( See ya in the next chapter loves)

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