Lgbtq+ special- How they react to you coming out

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Happy pride month! and plus I added Canada to here cuz he's too fucking adorable


-seems confused at first

-once you try explaining it to him he just gets more confused

-only until you have to literally shout it out to him

'oh. well, like whatever you want then.''  he came in and hugged you


-Will look at you like your trying to take his vodka away

''Если мой брат хочет быть в стороне от этого, пусть будет так''

(If my sibling wants to be apart of that then so be it)

-You thanked him for understanding before quickly going to your room

-you could of sworn you felt a happy smile rise up onto your face


''so? its just a gender preference.''

-And so would carry on sipping his tea


''welcome to the bandwagon.''


-Respect and protect

''I swear- (y/n) if someone is bullying you cause of your sexuality preference you have permission from me to hit them with my hockey stick.''

(150 words)

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