What they think of your boyfriend/girlfriend

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(I just saw this and lmfao I cant-)

(Also requested by @usasister )


-You were texting them on your phone

-You two were sending each other memes and one made you laugh/wheeze

-Germany caught hold of things and asked who you were texting

''Nobody really special.'' you muttered, Germany ended up snatching your phone

-The poor boy was in so much confusion until he got up to the texts

-You snatched your phone back

''Soll ich papa davon erzählen?''

(do you want me to tell dad about this?)

-You shook you head and gave him back your phone letting him read through all the texts

-You were more salty than the sea after that


-Russia and you were walking around the park

-You spotted you boyfriend/girlfriend and ran up to them, hugging them

-Russia just glared at the boy/girl

-Boyfriend/Girlfriend came up to Russia and introduced themselves, as said by you

''кто этот гном?''

(who is this dwarf?)

-You shot a quick glare at Russia

''заткнись, если хочешь спать сегодня вечером''

(shut up if you want to sleep tonight)

-Ended up that Russia wasn't to fond of them, you weren't surprised


-You and britian were talking, and also sipping on tea

''So (y/n), have you got any crushes or even more and get into a relationship?''

-You laughted at how he acted so much of a parent more than a brother

''Well, their name is (c/n)-''

-France burst throught the door


-Britain had to calm down France from having a overlyprotective heart attack


-You were on your phone, texting your boyfriend/girlfriend

-America looked over your shoulder too see what you where typing

''sO whO aRe thEy?'' he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows

-You nearly dropped you phone

''jesus-'' You sighed

-America snatched your phone, reading through texts

''so (c/n) is it, the one you keep on telling me about?'' he teased as you hid your blushing face in your shirt

''stoppp, just gimme my phone back.'' you snatched back your phone and grumbled away


-He already knew about your crush

-Too much teasing you might turn into a tomato

-As innocent as he seems, you and only you know that he has his maple gun ready to fire if he breaks up with you

''So how are things going on with (c/n)~?'' He'd teasingly ask, this always has and will confuse you

''umm, good..'' you said, your face being painted in confusion when he will just say good and leave the house

(384 words)

(me: its 3: 55 gurl sleep

also me: N E V e R)

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