Summer, Swimming, and Snow-cones

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Chapter 35:

The year went on like any other.

I got closer to my mother, telling her everything. I told her about my inner struggles, and she told me about hers. For the first time, it actually felt like a tight relationship.

Link and I got closer, too. We had our "decoy dates", Link with Leslie and me with John. After a while Leslie broke up with Link, and then Amber asked Link out. I felt a little bad about Link pulling Amber along like that, acting like it was for real. John, on the other hand, wasn't an issue because I told him from the get-go. He understood and was happy to be my "boyfriend" because it upped his cool factor.

Rhett and I's friendship grew as well. We all hung out often, but on Thursday's Rhett and I would go see a cheesy movie at the theater. It was something that all three of us came up with, sense I spent a lot of my time with just Link because we were together. It was a way to be able to have equal time between Rhett and Link.

All was well in Buies Creek. Autumn fell to a cold, snowy winter. At that time, all three of our families had Christmas together. After that came New Years, and soon after that came Valentine's Day; Link gave me a pink-ice necklace with our names carved into it.

Winter bloomed into a nice spring. Link and Amber broke up, and John told me that he wanted a "real" girlfriend, so we pretty much broke up, too. School ended right before summer began. On the first day of summer break, Link, Rhett, and I met at the pool.

"How's it feel to be out of prison?" Rhett asked Link and I with a laugh.

I was sitting next to him, reclined a little so I could get my "summer tan". "It feels magnificent." I replied with a giggle.

"Yeah, it's pretty sweet." Link added, pulling off his shirt to jump in the pool. "Kami May, you aren't getting in?"

"No," I said, opening one of my eyes and looking at Link. "I'm want to get a tan. So DON'T get me wet. Got it?"

"But Kami! It's swimming pool time, not sun tan time!" Link whined.

"No." I said, ending the conversation,

Rhett and Link looked at each other. A smirk grew on Link's face, which made me worry, because I knew something was up.

I closed my eyes, blowing it off like it was nothing, which was a big mistake. He picked me up bridal-style, and started walking towards the pool. "Link! Put me down! Link, I'm going to kill you if you put me in that pool!" I yelled, laughing even though I was dead serious.

"I'm sorry, Kami May. But you leave me no choice." And with that, he jumped in the pool, me still in his arms.

The water was cool, but it was fairly refreshing. He let go of me as we sunk down to the bottom of the pool. I opened my eyes under water to see Link swimming towards me. He came to me, and smashed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, my hair flowing in every which direction around me. We finally pulled away, because we were had almost no air left in us. We swam up to the top, where Rhett was waiting for us.

"Well it took you long enough!" Rhett said, his hands on his hips. Link and I both blushed and giggled.

Rhett walked over to the table where our stuff was sitting. "While you two were tongue wrestling, I got us some snow-cones. You better hurry; they're about to melt."

We hurriedly got out of the pool and walked over to the tables. We each got our towels and wrapped them around us. Rhett handed us our snow-cones.

"Mmmmm, this cherry flavor is the best!" I said, savoring my delicious overly flavored ice treat.

"I don't know, this blue raspberry one is pretty sweet. Literally." Link replied with a chuckle.

"No no no. This green apple snow-cone is the bomb! Mine is definitely superior to your trashy cones." Rhett added, him now laughing, too.

"Are you calling mine trashy?" I asked jokingly. We got into a very silly, stupid argument about who had the superior cone. We all finally agreed that all of ours were better than the lemon-flavored treats, so obviously we all had great favors that were equal in tastes.

We spent the rest of the afternoon joking around and playing pool games. After several hours of fun in the sun, we all said our good-byes and went home for the day.

It was one of the best summer days ever.

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