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Chapter 41:

I started to put the books away on the shelves.

The library was set up with several shelves with aisles to walk through them. It was kind of like a grocery store, except if there was no books in a space on the shelf, you could see through to the other side of the shelf.

Rhett and I were in one aisle, while Link was in the aisle next to us. "So, about Brailen...." I said, trying to break the silence.

"I don't really know what's going on with Brailen. She was fine until earlier today. She said that she needed time, whatever that means." he said, still placing books on the shelves.

Link peeked his head through the shelf. "Dude, when a girl says she needs time, you have to end it with her immediately." Link said, sounding as serious as possible.

"But why?" Rhett questioned, using a whiney tone. "I still like her. I still want to be with her."

I thought about all of the times Brailen had flirted with Link. All of the times that she would "accidentally" fall and drop all of her things I front of him. All of the times that she'd check her lip gloss before talking to him. I finally just had to tell Rhett the truth. "Rhett, Brailen has been crushing on Link since she met you two. The only reason she's with you is to get to Link."

Rhett stared at me, his eyes meeting mine. He turned to Link. "Is that true?"

Link nodded, "I'm afraid so, man."

Rhett stared down at the books in his hand. He fell to the floor, a tear streaming down his face. "I-I thought she liked me." he whispered, his breathing not so steady anymore.

"It's okay, Rhett. Everyone will have to go through this. You aren't alone. This happens to everyone at some point." I sat down next to him, rubbing his back.

He looked up at me, his hazel eyes glistening. "Not you guys. You guys found each other when you were four." he replied, sadly. "I just want the Kamille to my Link." he whispered under his breath. I could tell that Link couldn't hear what he had said, but I did. It made me feel terrible, because he was right.

After a few minutes of silence, we got back to putting the books away. The 7th graders left before us, leaving the three of us and one other girl in the library alone.

The girl was fairly short. She had dark brown, almost black hair. She was almost always smiling, and she had braces, just like Rhett did. She was a new kid from the beginning of the year, but I would've never thought to see her in detention. She was very quiet, and she didn't have very many friends. Her name was Jessie Lane.

I started putting books away in the same aisle as Jessie, and I could tell that she was pretty shy. So, I broke the ice first. "Hey, I'm Kamille. What brings you into detention?" I said with a short laugh.

She looked at me, a small smile upon her lips. "Oh, um, hi. I'm Jessie. I, uh, I'm not here for detention. I come here everyday. The books don't shelve themselves, you know."

"Oh, I didn't realize. I just figured that we're all here for that...." I trailed off. Rhett came over to where we were.

He turned to Jessie, saying. "Oh, uh, h-hi." he rubbed the beck of his neck. He turned to me, his cheeks turning a light rosy color. "Kami, um, Link told me to tell you that he went to the bathroom, just so you know in case you need him or something."

"Oh, um, okay. Thanks." I replied awkwardly.

He walked back over to the aisle he was in, and started putting the rest of the books away. I looked at Jessie, who was blushing. I smiled and giggled a little. "Looks like someone likes someone." I said, looking from Rhett to Jessie.

"No. We just, we just know each other. Our families are close friends. That's all. Friends." she replied, trying to assure me.

"Mmmmmhmmmmm." I replied, putting books on the shelves. "You know, you seem pretty cool. You wanna hang out sometime?"

"Sure. That would be fun. Are you going to the dance tomorrow?" she asked, reading the Dewey decimal numbers on the book rather than me.

"Yeah, I'm actually going with the other boy here, Link. Are you going?"

"Yes, but I'm going stag." she replied.

"You know, Rhett is going stag too!" I said, hoping she'd get the hint.

She rolled her eyes and continued to shelve the books.

It was then that I realized that I had found a new friend, a friend for life.

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