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Chapter 49:

As soon as Rhett said that, I remembered the rumor that Brailen had spread around.

My mother left after he said that because the nurse had forms for her to fill out. So, it was just the three of us.

"Well, we just have to confront her. Just tell her that what she did is wrong." I said, making it sound simple.

"Kamille, it's obvious that she isn't just gonna say 'sorry' and go on with her life." Rhett said in an irritated tone.

"I didn't say that she would. I just thought..." I didn't get to finish my sentence, because Rhett interrupted me.

"Well, what you thought was stupid." Rhett replied, crossing his arms.

Link stayed silent. Neither of us could believe that Rhett had said that. Tears filled up inside my eyes.

"Fine!" I yelled at him, a few tears falling. "You have a better idea, Einstein?! Because I would love to hear it. Brailen is a spoiled brat and no matter what we do, she isn't going to just go away. The only thing we can try that actually has a shot at working is guilt tripping her. So, yeah, I guess your right. It is stupid, but it's the only plan we have."

Rhett gave me an apologetic look. "Kamille, I'm sorry. I'm just, I'm just mad that she would do this to you."

"Well, none of this would've happened if you had just not dated her." I said under my breath. I said it quietly, but just loud enough for him to hear.

"I said I was sorry!" Rhett said, getting up from his seat. "Do you know how hard it is to see your best friend dating the girl of your dreams?! It sucks. It makes me feel like crud. It makes me stoop so low that I'd date Brailen just to try and get my mind off of you. It was a stupid decision, I know. But it because I love you."

Rhett came closer to me and smashed his lips to mine. I pulled away quickly, saying, "Rhett!" I was in shock. Did he really just say that? Did he really just do that?

Link ran over to Rhett. "Dude! What the 'h'?!"

Rhett stared into my eyes. He walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I looked at Link, then looked back towards the door. Silence filled the room, and I covered my face so Link wouldn't see my tears as they fell.

I was so confused. I was so frustrated. I was love. With who, I don't know. I couldn't think about that, because I had a million other things that were already filling my mind. Now this? It was too much.

"L-Link?" I asked quietly. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Yes, Kami May?"

"I need a break."

"Tell me about it." Link replied, sitting down next to me. "Everything right now is so crazy."

"No, Link. I need a break from us."

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