[◇♤The Life of her own♤◇]

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There was a young girl sitting under the tree, reading a book, she looks like from the Nyanua tribe and also from the Wolf tribe. She was reading her book until she  heard someone crying behind the tree, she took a peek behind the tree and she saw a young boy who was crying, hugging his knees. She didn't want to scare the poor boy so she tap the  boy's shoulder gently, the boy look up on who was tapping him on the shoulder, he saw a girl like she was from different tribe.

"Hey, are u okay?" She ask worried, "Im ok..." he answer while he wipe his tears.

Mind telling me whats wrong?" She ask again like a curious cat " My mom and dad got into divorce,leaving me and my older brother" he said then he crying again. "Don't cry.....you just need to be strong and have courage to be independent when your parents got divorce" she said while she wipe his tears. "Really?" He ask, she nodded and sat beside him. " my name is miku by the way" she said then smiled "im flame sho"
He said then smiled to her.

He had his first friend

Weeks/months has pass they become best friends, they hangout together, play together and read some books together. She even met Flame's older brother, Scar shi and he even met Miku's older sister, Crimsom Scarlet.

Until something bad happen

She was just walking alone in the streets , humming a song she likes. A stanger who was behind with a cloth that smell like a *sleeping alcohol* but she didn't notice the stranger behind her until the stranger covered her mouth with the cloth and she smell it.

It made her faint from the smell

Hours has pass she woke up but to see that she was in some dark chamber, she tried to move but her arms and legs were chained. She heard some laughter in the dark "hahahaahah thats cute to see u chained up" it was a voice that is..............


"LET ME GO!!!" She shouted to the unknown " how about..........no" the unknown replied and she can see......the unknown's eyes "SHOW YOUR SELF!! YOU COWARD!! OR YOUR A COWARD TO SHOW YOURSELF!!" she shouted to the unknown still saying insult words to the unknown until she shuts up, wide eyed. Its Scar shi, Flame's older brother.

"Why are u doing this?" She ask worriedly and confused. "My brother ask me a favor....and that favor is to kidnap u and I'll do my thing like I did to my lover" he insanely smiled.

......Wait I didn't know Scar has a lover..

I snapped to my thoughts when I saw him looking for something. "Oh look what I found~" he said then bringing out the box he found, he opened it and he let me see whats inside. I started to panic, the box was full of supplies for science and surgery.

"Take that box away from me.."

She said calmly and a slight of panic, her panic grew when Scar was grabbing an injection that was field with blue liquid
She closed her eyes while crying that Scar will going to inject her any minute



She open her eyes only to meet the darkness, her arms and legs were free....

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