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《2 months later》

3rd P.O.V

The house helpers were cooking breakfast for the running man and for themselves.


It was a peaceful day, the running man just started the fourth game, Ashley and Airi watch the running man play the game from the tower with Crystal feathers while Miku just went for a walk in the park.

Ashley cheers for Liu to win and when Airi realize that Ashley keeps cheering Liu and  only Liu, Airi begin to tease Ashley about Ashley having a crush on Liu and also cheering for Liu, Ashley was blushing mess, her face is red and both Crystal feathers and Airi laugh at her redness on her face.

《With Miku》

Miku was walking around the park instead of watching the running man show from the screen. She doesn't want to expose herself from social media because her older sister said so and she already knew the reason why.

While she was walking around the park, she saw someone who wore a cape. The stranger walks toward the front gate of the running man show. Miku  hide behind the bushes "who is this stranger" Miku thought about a momment if she approuch this stranger or leave the stranger alone.

Miku was having second thoyghts abou tit, she didn't notice that the stranger is gone. "I should approuch the stranger" Miku said in her mind but when she look at the stranger, the stranger who is standing infront of the gates of running man show is gone. Miku went towards the where the stranger was standing "maybe he went in?" She question herself then shrugged it off , she look around but no sign of a stranger "hes inside the running man show" Miku said in her mind as she sweat a little.

Miku ran inside the running man show then went to the running man house but when she went inside the house, all the running man competitors and the two helpers of the running man house are there, turns out she hasn't noticed that the game is over and the winner is Liu.

Kent noticed Miku standing near the door "Hey Ku!! Where have u been?" Kent ask "Im just having my routine walk around the park" Miku  answered then smiled at Kent.

Airi came back from the kitchen and she brought snacks and drinks for us "snacks and drinks are ready!!!" Airi said as she placed the tray on the table as she place the tray down Popo took one snack and his drink, Popo ate it as fast as he can cuz hes hungry from playing their second game.

"Woah slow down Popo, u just finish your second game and your already hungry from playing your second game" Miku said

"Its making me tired from running and also it makes me hungry too" Popo said

Miku looks around the living room but noticed that Kent wasn't in the living room.

"Hey guys,  have u seen Kent? " Miku ask

"No we haven't seen him" all of them said but Airi spoke "I think I saw him going out  maybe taking some fresh air from outside"

"Oh ok then" Miku said then smiled until all of them heard a sound of a door being opened then closed.

Kent peek at the living room and saw all of them then he greeted them with a smile but he bought someone we don't know.....

Kent is back with a stranger........

"Hey guys! I want u to meet Rolfe" Kent said
Then Rolfe show himself to the running man competitors.

"Hello Rolfe, Im Liu" Liu said then smiled at him "This is Kuga, Popo, Lonky, Pala, Gai and Miyo then this is our 3 house helpers, Miku, Airi and Ashley" Liu pointed each one of them then to there house helpers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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