[♤5☆House Helpers☆5♤]

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MORNING 《6:30》

Lyss woke up in around 《6:30》she got up then went to the bathroom to take a bath and change her clothes. Lyss went to the kitchen to get some water because she was thirsty but when she arrive at the kitchen Kent was already in the kitchen, drinking water, Kent noticed Lyss standing in the doorway.

"good morning Lyss, did u have a nice sleep?" Kent said

"I did" Lyss answered

Kent went to the fridge to get Lyss some drink,he walked towards Lyss as he already got her water.

"Thanks" Lyss said as Kent gave her a glass of water to drink, they chatted for a bit and they waited for the others to wake up while they waited for the others, Kent and Lyss cook some food for breakfast

《8:00 Am》

One by one the other competitors woke up then went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Liu was the first one to wake up then next is Kuga and Lonky, next is Popo and Pala and lastly who woke up is Miyo and Gai.
All of them ate breakfast until a robot came up, Popo threw the can at the robot  because he got surprise and scared that the robot come up out of nowhere.

"DON'T POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE!!" Popo yelled at the robot, everyone laugh at him "I have an announcement for u running man competitors" the robot said, it got everyone attention "Crystal feathers assigned 3 people to be your 'House Helpers' in your house, u can approuch them if u need help with something" the robot added and everyone was surprise and Popo, Kent and Pala are excited to meet their house helpers.

"Pls go to the lobby" the robot told the running men competitors " so u can meet your house helpers" the robot added. Popo went running going to the lobby, he didn't bother to wait for the others to catch up with him.

The other running men competitors just walk going to the lobby when they reach the looby they saw a very-excited-penguin.

The robot appeared in the lobby and said "pls take a sit beacause your house helpers just arrive this morning" Popo made a excited sound, the door slide open revealing the running men house helpers.

The first house helper is Airi then the second house helper is Ashley then the last house helper is Miku.

The house helpers greeted the running men competitors also with a smile but one of the house helpers notice someone like one of the house helpers heart started beating so fast when she saw him.

The other house helpers notice her, she was looking at that bug tribe competitor, she had that bright blush acroos her face. "Looks like someone had a crush on that bug" the first hluse helper whisper to the last house helper then they giggle a little, "it would be rude for us not introducing ourselves" the last house helper said and the second house helper snapped from the staring and she cover her face, a blush came across her face.

"Im Airi, your first house helper" Airi said then smiled to the running man competitors.

"Im Ashley, your second house helper" Ashley said as she pull down her hands from covering her face.

"Im Miku, your last house helper" Miku said then she look to all the running man competitors.

"At your service" the three of them said, "and we will be anywhere in this house or in our room if u need us" Miku added.

"Well running man, these three are your house helpers, if u have a problem u can approuch one of them" the robot said then dissapeared.

"I hope all us will get alo g with each other" Miku said "don't worry miss Miku everythings going on is going to be okay" Liu said "please just call us by our first name" Miku said.

"Look at time, its already lunch tume, u need to eat so u have enough ebnergy for your next game" Airi said then the house helpers and the running man went to the kitchen.

"Guys I need to do something first then I'll catch up to you" Miku said "Ok Miku!" Airi said then all of them went to the kitchen except Miku

Miku went outside the running man house then went to the garden.

She told Crystal feathers to never mention her name in social media as the house helper then Crystal feathers ask her why but she said "its personal reason".

Crystal feathers understand the word "personal" so she didn't tell the audience that theirs a third house helper.

Miku is my oc.
Lyss, Kent, Ashley and Airi are my friends' oc in amino.

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