[♤3☆First Game☆3♤]

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3rd POV
Lyss was in her room alone and she got bored, she was just laying in her bed but then she look at the clock, its 12 am already so she decided that she will cook lunch for all of them, she went to the kitchen to cook food.

Kent POV

I was in my room, laying in my bed, my roommate, Pala, took a nap since he got tired, I got up on my bed then going outside to get some food while I was walking going to the kitchen, I smell delicious food, I ran to the kitchen and saw Lyss cooking food, she notice me standing in the doorway " its lunch time so i decided i will be the one to cook" she said, I went to the table and sit one of the chairs " hey Kent can u wake the others its lunch time." Lyss said and I nooded to her then went to my room to get something, I grab my bag and i took out my trumpet.

I went near to Pala who is sleeping, i got my trumpet and ready to blow, I blow my trumpet as loud like an elephant and Pala jolted wide awake, he fall down on his own bed because of the loud trumpet, I laugh so hard, Pala rub his head "why did u do that?!" Pala said while he still rubbing head "Im sorry, thats my way to wake my roommate bro" I said "also go to the kitchen, the food is waiting for you" I added, he nooded then went to the kitchen.

I went to the other room 1, this is where Lonky and Kuga are in, I did the same to them like what I did to Pala and they gor angry, I did apologize to them, same goes to Liu, Popo but when I went Miyo and Gai's room, I saw them cuddling in bed, I change my mind, Im not interruptting them, I went out to their room then went to the kitchen,I saw them eating their food, I sit down on the chair then start eating.

"Wheres Miyo and Gai?" Liu asked " they'er sleeping" I answered "its lunch time, why did'nt you wake them up" Liu said "they'er cuddling" I said, all of them are shock even Kuga. "OMG don't tell me they love each other" Lonky said "now thats love" Popo said "come on guys, all of us will wait for them to wake up" Liu said ,all of us agreed to Liu's statement then we talk ranbom things.

Miyo POV

it feels so warm........it feels so comfy.....I slowly open my eyes and saw.........GAI.. he was sleeping beside me, I blush, I didn't knew he was sleeping with me also he was cuddling me! But it feels so warm and I didn't hesitate to cuddle him, I smell food so I got up until I feel someone wrap their arms around my waist.

"Where are u going?" Gai said, his awake, I look at him, I rolled my eyes "Im going to the kitchen" I said "stay" he said, I raised my hand and scratch his face, he let go of me then he touch his face where the scratch was.

I went to the door then I open the door and went outside our room, Gai followed behind me, while we walked in the hallway, I smell something delicious, Gai also smell something too, we walked a bit faster, when we arrive in the kitchen we saw all of tjem eating foods.......without us?!

We just stood there for awhile until Liu notice us "hey guys, how long have u been standing there?" Liu ask "we just got here, u didn't even bother on waking us up" Gai said then we went to the table, they already prepared our food.....huh...how nice.

"I was there in your room, I saw u two cuddling eachother so I went back in the kitchen and told the others that don't bother u two because u two look like lovely coupl" Kent said, he was smilling when he said that, I was blushing mess. I didn't even know he was there! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!


I was blushing after what Kent said, I didn't know he was there! OMG.......I look at Miyo and I think she was lost in her thought.

3rd POV

Lyss look at Miyo then went near her, she waved her hand in fornt of Miyo's face multiple times. "Miyo" Lyss called but no answer, everyone just watch the two, "Miyo" Lyss called again but no answer, "MIYO!!" Lyss yelled at Miyo, she snapped out of her thoughts "huh?!?" Miyo was confused on why is Lyss calling her, "ur thinking to hard after what Kent said" Lyss said. Miyo and Gai started eating their food, they were the last one to eat their food while the others already finish their food.

2 minutes later

Miyo and Gai finish their food, they put their plate in the sink until a robot showed up. "Hello running man challengers! Today! All of u will play our new game for today" announce the robot........a new game? All of them thought "its called 'Shoot your Enemy'" the robot said, all of challengers started getting interested on the 'new game'

"I'll give u all 5 mins to warm up for the new game and then I'll tell u how to play them" the robot said

So I was busy doing digital artwork of my oc and im finishing some drawing of mine

I made a few changes of my drawing

Wait for the next chapter

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