[《♤4♡New game♡4♤》]

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Miyo POV

A new game......huh....how interesting, maybe Crystal feathers wanted all of us try a new game than the other games we all played on the time when Charming gold was the maker.

5 minutes later...

The robot came back and told us on how to play "Shoot your enemy".

"All of u will be given 3 chances, if your enemy shot u, your 3 chances will becoming 2 chances and if u shot your enemy their 3 chances will becoming 2.
Whoever got the highest number of shots will be the winner of the first" the robot explain then all of us understood the intructions of the game. We went outside then hop on our flouting pads to go to the ternament where all of us will be playing 'Shoot your enemy'.

All of us were place in different places where we can't see each other. I can see the count down...





The game has started. I ran to the emty hallway where no one else is in here, I wemt near the room where statues were place, I peek first, I saw no one then I went in, I look around in the room until I heard footsteps, I hide behind the wall, I also took a peek on the entrance in the room.

It was Liu

He look around the room then turn around so I have the chance while he wans't looking. I grab my tech-gun and shoot Liu.

Speaker:Liu has 2 chances
I repeat Liu has 2 chances.

Then hide quickly, not getting caught.

3rd POV

Liu turn around and saw no one "what the.....no one is in here, how come the speaker said I only have 2 chances" Liu said then begen looking around until Miyo showed herself holding her tech-gun towards Liu. Liu was shock that Miyo is here and ask "Miyo were you the one who shot me?" "I did" she answered until......

Speaker: Miyo has 2 chances and Liu has 1 chance.
I repeat Miyo has 2 chances and Liu has 1 chance.

"WHAT?!?!" Miyo and Liu said, they weren't expecting that until Kuga showed up, he was holding his tech-gun Miyo and Liu were shock that Kuga is here with them and already know who shot them. All of them, Kuga, Miyo and Liu holds their tech-gun towards eachother, they're not moving or trigger their tech-gun.

Lyss POV

I was alone in the hallway until I saw Popo and Lonky, they're talking about teaming up, i hide behind the wall eavesdropping about their conversation, I waited for the right time to shoot them until someone tap my shoulder, I quickly turn holding my tech-gun towards that someone then shoot.

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