[♡1◇The challengers◇1♡]

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3rd POV

It was a peaceful day at the Mong tribe, others doing their thing and others playing or working but there was one monkey who was day dreaming about his crush. That monkey who was day dreaming was Gai, he was the challenger from the running man, while he in the running man compitetion, he met someone who his heart beating so fast like he was cazy in love and that someone he fell in love with, is Miyo, she is from the Nyanya tribe.

When the first game start, all of them are running to the center to win, he was running to the center of the ball then he jumped until he heard someone screaming, he knew that it wasn't a male challenger bacause the voice wasn't deep so it was a feline, he caught someone he knew who was screaming, he look at her and then she began to blink twice to look at him and  he was like love at first sight. To bad she step his face then jump up leaving him falling down.

..now to the present time..

Gai was just in his house while his brothers was outside walking in the park, he sitting near the window while daydreaming about Miyo, it  was nice just to daydream about someone you love but it needs to be disturb from someone who was knocking from the door multiple times. Gai was snapped to his daydreaming about Miyo then went to the door only to meet a knock on the forehead. "Dude what hell was that?!" Gai said looking at Spin "oh god im sorry, didn't notice u already open the door...maybe NEXT TIME you should answer the door first then u daydream about her" Spin said in a  disappointed tone "pls come in" Gai said as he let Spin walk inside Gai's house then went to the couch to sit and Gai just sat in the chair near the window. "How long have u been knocking on my door?" Gai ask looking at Spin "2 hours" Spin asnwered, Gai went shock about what he just asnwered "WAIT!! I'VE BEEN DAYDREAMING ABOUT MIYO FOR 2 HOURS!!??" Gai shouted out loud and Spin just laugh about it "looks like u miss her so badly" he said while laughing but Gai just blush like blushing furiously then look away " w-what are u doing here anyway" Gai ask still blushing about what Spin said
"Oh about that I have good news" Spin said as Gai look at him "whats the good news?" Gai ask "we are going back to the running man competition this afternoon...so u better pack ur things fast" Spin said then he smiled "u can also see ur future lover there" he added
Gai was excited he rash over to his bed room and start packing his things, he also leave a message to his brothers that he'll be going back to the running man competition, when Gai is done packing his things, he put his bag in the living room where Spin was waiting. To his surprise Spin had his backpack with him but he knew that Spin went to his house to get his backpack then come back to his house.

"Alright im ready" Gai said while he look at Spin "alright lets go, its almost afternoon" Spin said then stood up and went to the door, Gai followed him while he close the door behind him.

..at the train station..

All of  the running man competitors are waiting for the train to arrive while all of them are waiting, Gai saw Miyo, his crush, his future lover, he was daydreaming again while he was starring at her but then again Spin saw the train, he turn around to tell Gai that the train has arrive but instead he saw Gai starring at Miyo also daydreaming, Spin smack the back of Gai's head, Gai snapped out of his daydream. "What was that for?!?!" Gai said looking Spin while he rub the his head " you were daydreaming again also the train has arrive" Spin said holding his backpack then walking inside the train, Gai followed behind him.

All the competitors are all inside the train and they took a seat then the train started the engine to go to the train station of the running man, they waited till they arrive to their destination.

??? POV

I was just sitting on the tree bruch while watching the competitors of the running man leaving. I summoned my wings then flew to go to the running man, house edition.


OMG!! First chapter is done, yes its done also can u guess whose POV in the last

Comment down!!

Also this is my first publish book
Hope u enjoy●♡

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