[♡2♧New Host♧2♡]

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After 3 hours of waiting to arrive at the train station of the running man. They arrive at the train station, they got out carrying their backpack then went to the entrance gate of the running man, they got in their floating pads then head to the headquarters of the running man. They hope that charming gold wasn't involve, all the crowd are cheering for the competitors then a robot showed up "Hello to the new running man, house edition and now lets meet our maker for the runnung man challenge...." the robot said. All of the competitors hope that it will be not charming gold for the host of the running man............... Crystal feathers!!!!" The robot announce, all of the competitors was glad that it wasn't charming gold because it will bring the old crapy stuff and bad things charming gold did to them but Crystal feathers was a great maker of the running man, she gave posters and other stuff, she's also kind.

"Hello everyone ,I'm Crystal feathers, your new maker for the running man, I hope u will enjoy the game" she said, all competitors smiled " also there will be a new competitors!" She added, " thats good" Miyo said "meet Lyss the bunny and Kent the dog!!" she announce the new competitors of the running man.
"Yes were finally in the running man competition" Kent said, Lyss just hummed in responed then the new competitors step in the flouting pads to go to the other competitors " hi! Im Kent from the dog tribe" Kent introduce himself "hi kent! Im Liu from bugs tribes and this is Miyo, Gai, Kuga, Popo, Lonky, Pala and the others are the dv7" Liu said Kent said hi to all of them except Lyss "Lyss u should say hi to them" Kent said to Lyss but Lyss grab his collar and said " U can't tell me what to do or say dog!" She said then let let go Kent's collar.

"Attention all running man competitors! Please get your belongings and go to the house" the robot said  then all the competitors got their belongings also the new competitors, their flouting pads went to the house, both dv7 and the running man have different house so they have to go to their separate house.

"Well guys, all of us need to share rooms so I prepared a list for us while the dv7 have different house on their own....." Liu said

•Kuga and Lonky - room 1
•Popo and Liu - room 2
•Miyo and Gai - room 3
•Pala and Kent - room 4
•Lyss - room 5

"Lyss will have to be on her own room" Liu said "why is it have to be Kuga!?!?" Lonky said he doesn't want Kuga to be his roommate "stop complaining and deal with it. Its not like he's gonna do somthing bad when u sleep" Liu said "he will choke me when I sleep!!" Lonky said, he keeps complaining but Miyo scratch his face because its annoying her so much "ouch......." Lonky said while rub his scratch face.

"Come on guys, go to your rooms with your roommate" Liu said and all of us agreed.

Miyo POV

I went to my room......no....our room..my roommate is Gai is with me going to room 3, we arrive in front of our room then went inside, I lay down in my bed because our room have 2 beds so I took the right bed while Gai have the left bed, Im already tired for all of that traveling. "Im going to take a nap so be quiet" I said "got it.." Gai said while he arrange his belongings and I lay in my bed going to take a nap.


Im done arranging my things...whew...now Im going to take a nap..huh....two beds...I look at Miyo, she looks like a sleeping angel, she is so beautiful and a tsundere...so cute..she won't mind if I sleep beside her..huh...I can handle her scratch in my face if she gets angry.....I went to her bed and lay next to her, she is so warm, she also won't mind that i could cuddle he rin her sleep....I drift myself to my dream...

3rd POV

All the competitors of the running man took a nap because of their traveling also the dv7s.........

Outside the house of the running man....

??? POV

Well that was a long trip for them while I just fly for 3 minutes and teleported outside, here in their house, Im glad that they entered the competition of the running man and also to their new maker of the running man, Crystal Feathers....

Lyss and Kent...

Im trying to improve my writting skills.....(uwu')
Im sorry if i had a wrong grammar


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