*:・゚✧*:・゚Chapter Eleven; Goodnight Love

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"Curtis? What are you doing here so late?" Lance asks, shooting up with a spook that came from Shiro's sudden entrance. The other men in the room break into a panic.

Their brains pulse in a search for excuses, a coverup, or some sort of quick lie. Not a big one, just a little pinch of salt on a snickerdoodle cookie. He wouldn't even notice it at all.

"Checking on Keith."
"Room service."

They speak simultaneously, and once they notice the inconsistency of slander, an extra dose of panic is shot through the air. Thankfully Lance doesn't look upset, only showing himself to be very confused. Between the lateness of the evening and the tired headache swimming in his head, Lance couldn't hear much other than babbling that happened to be in english.

"I just wanted to know where Keith was. He isn't allowed to be out as late as he was." Shiro explains, gesturing to the inky midnight sky. "And he didn't even care to invite me."

The simple cover-up that reminds Keith of his mother's restriction, (however many times broken), is quite clearly passive-aggressive, and Keith looks away to avoid the pitiful glare. Though, he can feel it off of Shiro without needing to look at him.

"He was with me, Curtis." Lance says, standing up and walking to the conversation was being held. "If I had known I would have sent him back right away."

Keith is a little hurt by that, but not by much. Lance is like that, always ready for the thrill of new things, but he always has to push away the thought of what could happen if he's not careful. Especially the consequences of breaking rules.

Lance has not broken any rules on Keith's behalf so far on their small adventures, if any, it's been very few. But the rules Keith has broken for this boy? Endless.

For instance; Dating someone who isn't of status. Sneaking out without his guard who is his only key to being outside. Disobeying Shiro. (That's on a whole other level of guilt than disobeying his mother.)

"Now can you please leave us? Adam is undoubtedly upset right now. All alone near midnight, by himself in the bed, worrying."

"How dare you tempt me with the love of my life." Shiro says, pointing an angry finger at the prince. Maybe Keith is exaggerated a bit, but he can't do the same on how badly he wishes he could have a little time alone with Lance tonight. "You're going to apologize to me tomorrow. Don't forget."

Keith nods, practically shoving his friend out of the door in a rushed attempt to usher him away. "Tomorrow then. Farewell."

Once the door is quickly shut, Keith looks over shoulder, gaze soft behind his outreached arms keeping the door closed. Lance looks back at him, returning the look with a tired glaze over his crystal blues.

"Do you have a few spare blankets I could use?" Lance asks tiredly, his voice riding a yawn through the end of the sentence. His eyelids are droopy, as they should be for someone awake at this hour. Keith nods, turning to his closet, where he has just about everything. He's sure he could start a campfire with just a few given closet materials.

Opening the door, he asks, "Are you cold?"

"The floor usually is. Though, I suppose you do have carpet."

"The floor?" Keith asks, stopping himself with the loss he feels. His head turns away from his blanket search, looking Lance curiously in the eyes. "You wish to sleep on the floor?"

Lance shrugs, flustered. "I toss and turn a lot when I sleep, and this room is so beautiful and nice anyways. I don't want to impose on your good night's rest."

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