*:・゚✧*:・゚Epilogue; Lavenders Blue

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Keith knew that something had gone wrong as soon as Shiro walked through the door.

He could hear the cheers and feel the joy that radiated from the kingdom that evening. It gave him hope in a time of uncertainty, uncertainty that everything had gone successfully from out of his reach and watchful eye. Shiro and his mission squad had returned, allowing men and women to return to their waiting families after nearly two weeks of utter worry. Keith had been one of the worriers. When Lance left with them, clad in armor and armed with weapons that were hard to imagine on such a gentle person, a place in his heart hollowed that would not be restored until his husband's return.

This is why his breath was halted when he watched Shiro walk into the throne room.

When Shiro shuddered as he entered, having claimed victory but not projecting victoriousness.

Keith froze because Shiro walked in, and Lance didn't.

His best friend dragged himself with every step, weighted by something far from physical. His head was hung and shoulders were shaking, his eyes were wide. A rock - nay, a boulder surged into Keith's heart and sunk to the bottom - his nerves were suddenly fired up. Something was incredibly, unmistakably wrong. ". . .Where is Lance?"

Shiro craned his neck upward, making not even a second of eye contact with the king before falling to his knees. The metal of his armor rang through the room, crushing upon force into the tile. His heaving was heavy and his throat was tight - he should never in his life be the one to do what he was about to.

Keith watches with fear that doesn't stand down, taking to his feet with urgency. "Where is Lance?"

The Royal Guard Captain had always had a special ability for shedding tears oh so silently.

It never altered his voice, but his face was absolutely drenched. He looked up, but he could not look Keith in the eyes. He could never face him after what he'd done, after what he had let happen, and right in front of him. "Lance," His throat shook, warbling with memory. Until this point, Shiro had always said 'his Majesty, King Lance'.

Today, he spoke as if Lance was an old friend. And he he was, and he addressed him as such. "Lance . . .is missing in action."

The room froze over with dread. Keith was halted where he stood, eyes wide and mouth slightly gaped. In front of him, Shiro remained crouched on his knees - still and silent. The only noise filling the space was the gentle tap of tears on marble tile.

"He was shot in the shoulder, but his body was never found after the Galra retreated from the fight and left the scene." Shiro began to recount, spiraling.

"We have only assumed the worst. All signs lead to him being taken by General Sendak and his men."

A fire blazed within Keith, one that would scorch and never smother. A foot crashed forward, strong but not sturdy. "You promised me that you would protect him," He muttered, dark and bitter in tone. "You said that no harm would come to him! Shiro, you promised it to me! I never should have let him go!"

"It was not your choice to make for him." Shiro projected. "We were all trapped - they cornered us into a cave and demanded our surrender. Lance stood alongside me to talk with their general and he threw himself into the crossfire to save my life, I owe him mine as I owe it to his father. That was Lance's choice."

"There is nothing you can give to him if. . ." Bile tapped Keith's tongue. "if he really is gone.

"You will tell me exactly what happened and then you will prepare a mission to find him. No matter the cost, he will be returned. I would like to be very clear when I tell you this:" Keith stares down at Shiro, wilting back into his chair. Tears began to fill his brooding eyes and soak his ivory skin. "It should have been you."

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