*:・゚✧*:・゚Chapter Twelve; The Inevitable

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The next day went by in a blur, a whirlwind of people, places and things in the eyes of Marmora citizens who weren't even invited. Even the royal attendees from countries away were quite dazzled that the next day, they could have their wealth doubled and their armies tripled. Marrying into the Kogane family would be equal to supplying themselves a guarantee of luxury for life. (Krolia's taxing and extensive saving of such funds insures this thoroughly.)

It was a beautiful experience to watch royal carriages trickle in from far away places, and Lance found pleasure in standing in the square and watching the fine-bred horses pull such extravagant coaches full of well-dressed princes and princesses from all over the world. He was glad he wouldn't have to compete with them, or face the anger of those who the prince would reject in choosing the best candidate for the kingdom.

On that day, the day before that day, in which that day would hold the most magnificent ball Marmora would host in years past and years to come, two special men in their homes felt dazed as the day dizzied by. Like flipping through a deck of cards, the hours zoomed past, their thoughts sending hopes and sparks into their spirits at the thought of what would happen in just a day.

Keith had his final fitting for the suit he would be wearing, but he doesn't even recall what colors they had mentioned or the jewels they would encrust in his ceremonial crown. Everything was going noticeably smooth for how quickly he requested the event to come and he couldn't be more pleased, but he had his mind focused on what he knew mattered most.

Lance watered his roses with extra care, cutting only the fully-dead buds, preserving as much of each bush as he could. He cooked meals and scrubbed dishes with hearty zest and elbow grease, feeling his work resemble the effort of how he wanted to dance tomorrow night. Dancing is an old friend to him, for though he hadn't had a dance partner in years, he was overjoyed at the thought of stepping and spinning and laughing into the night once more.

His mother taught him what he needed to know about Marmora's and Altea's traditional waltzes, though they jumped around, leaped on tall rocks and had their fun splashing in fountains more often. Even after his Mama's passing, Lance still felt her presence twirling him on his he spun the mop's thin handle instead of her kind, gentle frame.

It was like reliving certain moments from his childhood, and he felt as if he could reach out his hand and feel the warmth of his Mama's cheek on his palm. Oh, what it would be like for her to send him off to the ball, where crystal chandeliers, warm welcomes and beautiful gowns and suits would be waiting for him. Though, not one bit of the royalty or wealth around the room could intimidate him- because he could dance with Keith, who didn't matter in the eyes of the rich or snobby. He only mattered to Lance, and only to Lance would belong.

In these beautiful thoughts, Lance had nearly forgotten that his step-family would be attending the ball as well.


"Prince Keith?" A voice asks. The voice brings him out of his daze, which he spent staring at the room in all of it's beauty. Of course, the room would not be the main focus of the ball- there are many things which go into the mood of an event, but this certainly is a big one. And, Keith is happy to report that it's just right.

"Yes?" He replies, eyes unmoving from his gaze on the ballroom; he watches everything as it comes together, like pieces snapping right into where they belong in the most gorgeous puzzle to be. "What is it?"

"Your messenger asked me to deliver this written reply to you, he had mentioned that he was behind on his schedule and couldn't deliver it personally."

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