*:・゚✧*:・゚Chapter Fifteen; Just As Fate Intended

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"Stop bouncing—" Shiro scolds, trying to pin Keith's amethyst brooch to the ruffles at the neck of his top. It had belonged to his father, and he had worn it the night he proposed to his mother. Keith felt only loyal to continue the tradition. "Keith, I'm going to stab you in the neck with this if you don't hold still, and it won't be an accident."

He stiffens until Shiro can pin the brooch; then turns around and looks into the tri-folded mirror. If only Lance could see him now; Purple tailcoat, crisp white button-up, black trousers and shoes. A silver crown and a golden smile. "I cannot believe you let them put makeup on me."

"It's just to clear out your skin, it's not like they've put you in ruby red lipstick. They haven't done you up by much." Shiro laughs, placing a hand on his shoulder, then squeezing strongly, reassuringly. "I can't believe you used to be a little boy. You're going to be King soon. I attended your first birthday party almost two decades ago."

"That would be how math works, Shiro." Keith says with a hint of sarcasm. He then adjusts the brooch under his chin as Shiro eyes his hands. "I still think it should be put this way."

"You're turning it sideways, Keith. It goes the tall way." Shiro groans, reaching over to fix it before Keith swats his hand away. "Look like a buffoon in front of Lance, then. I don't care."

Keith steps away from the mirror and goes to his grandfather clock, panicking when he reads the time. "How long did it take to dress me?" He says, filling with eagerness. "The ball starts in a half hour; this is unbelievable."

"That would be how math works, Keith." Shiro mocks, pushing his own hair over in the mirror in an attempt to style it. "Though, I do think we should talk about something, just so we don't have to talk about it later."

"What is it?" Keith asks, turning at the sound of a voice sounding much too serious for his liking. He's already had to deal with Shiro's poor decisions earlier today. He turns to his guard, and the expression on his face says all that he needs to hear. Guilt, but the tender look of a man who's ready to take defeat and fight it anyway. "If this is about Lance joining the militia, I've already told you that it is not going to happen."

After a rejected sigh, Shiro presses for reason. "Why not? It's what he wants, and it would bring honor back to his family's name. He's a dedicated civil servant, you wouldn't lose him! I'd put my life before his every time, I owe it to his father—"

"So my options come down to losing Lance or losing you instead. It's everything I've ever wanted." Keith remarks with a snapping sarcasm, heading for the door. "There aren't any pressing needs for soldiers; we aren't participating in any wars nor have their been any national threats to be wary of. I don't want to talk about it any more. My word is final."

"If you could just talk to Lance abou-"

"I said," Keith repeats, "my word is final."

And just like that, as quickly as Keith storms out, Shiro lets the topic sit until another time.

Keith has always had a hard time believing in the powers of the militia. War caused the death of his father, the several injuries of his best friend, and what others wish to become the death of his one lasting love on Earth. Why anyone would look at the heartache and permanent pain caused by such a profession and willingly decide to participate is beyond him. As long as he is king, Lance will stay far away from the battlefield. As far as he can be.

"Keith." Krolia says, already seated at the balcony thrones. They are raised a floor above the ballroom and overlook the crowds and festivities. She had asked to see him before it all began. "Are you excited?"

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