04| prank!!

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We arrived at the Ibrahim's residence after an extremely short ride. We got down from the car and rang the bell to the house.
AuntyFauziya opened the door immediately smiling.

"Ina wuni aunty" I greeted. She looked at me before hugging me tightly knocking the out of me.

"Laa Laila kin girma you are all grown up now saura aure". I just smiled at her and nodded my head.
She ushered us into the house. Their house was looking different. The walls were painted white with cream colored chairs and a very beautiful chandelier. Overall it looks elegant.

AuntyFauziya and mom left for the kitchen while dad was at Mr. Ibrahim's home office. Discussing business I'm sure.

I was left alone so I sat in the living room watching food Network since it's the channel that was on when I got here.

"Laila je ki kira Al-amin yana daki. Food is ready" AuntyFauziya shouted from the kitchen.

"Toh" I answered. I stood up and picked my handbag the dye is inside. AuntyFauziya doesn't know but she just made my work easier.if i get into the room I'll just find a way to get into his bathroom and find his shampoo.

I walked to his side of the house it was like another house all together. I walked up the stairs to his room.

I knocked once and waited for an answer,anything. I knocked again. Twenty minutes passed and I decided to just walk in. Ya Allah please let him not be naked. I cringed at the thought of walking in on him naked.
He lay on his bed deeply asleep. Ohh yau dai Allah Na tare Dani. I clapped and moved my hands in front of his eyes. He didn't move so I decided to make my move. I moved into the bathroom and locked the door. This place looks just like my bathroom. I searched around and finally found what I was looking for. Viola I opened my bag and poured the content of the dye and poured it into his shampoo. Once I'm done I rushed out of the bathroom and stood beside him. I tapped his back since he was lying stomach flat.
"Al-alamin tashi your mum is looking for you"

His eyes fluttered open and he held my hand tightly.
"Mai kike Yi nan"

"Your mum asked me to wake you up for dinner"

"Okay I'll be down in a sec I need a bath"

"Okay" I said and quickly left smiling. I rushed to the dining room and sat on the only two available seats.

"Where's Al-amin" my mom asked.
"He'll be here soon he needs a bath" I smirked and started eating my food.

The food was very delicious Masha Allah. AuntyFauziya cooked fried rice with salad and chocolate cake for dessert. We had pepper soup as the starter.

"Laila kin girma. I remember those days when you and Al-amin were inseparable" uncle Ibrahim said. He was like my second dad. I was so close to him.
"Haka ne fa before he changed" auntyFauziya whispered half heartedly.

"What changed him aunty?" I said curiously

"It's not in my place to tell you. Amma yanzu tunda kin dawo I guess he might change a bit since he has started changing a little" she answered

" Let's just continue eating" uncle Ibrahim said.

We had our dinner and discussed alot of things. Al-amin didn't come for dinner but that didn't bother me. Food was kept for him in the kitchen. Saboda bayacin dinner da sauri says his mum and I quote. The elders left to the other living while I was left alone watching food Network.

I was about to change the channel when I heard heavy foot steps coming down the stairs in a haste.

"Wallahi yau Laila mai raba ni da ke Sai Allah" Al-amin said when he sited me. He was so angry and his hair was pink. I bursted in a fit of laughter

"Oh my god. Your hair, your hair it's pink and is looking good. Wow kaga yanda gashin ka ke shining"

"Give me the dye remover or else gidan nan bazai dauke mu ba"

"In gidan nan bazai dauke mu ba Sai in koma gidan mu. Simple"

"Ina yake Kafin rai Na ya baci"

"Ai ran ka ya Riga ya baci"

He was standing behind the chair I was sitting and we kept moving round and round the chair.

"Kin San Allah Laila if you know what's good for you give me the dye remover"

" But sweetheart how are you sure ni Na sa dye din" I smirked

"Don't call me sweetheart again. And ki bani Karin in kama ki" he shouted and hit the chair. I got startled, squealed and moved quickly to the other side of the chair.

"Laila bawasa Nike Yi ba one, two if I count to five and the dye remover is not in my hand ran ki Zai baci"

"Ayya you are just talk and no action"

"Laila, Al-amin meye kike Yi haka kaman yara and son why is your hair pink" my mom said they were all standing at the door.

I quickly ran over to aunty fauziya and held her.

"Mama ki matsa saboda in Na kama Laila yau"

"What did she do to you?" She asked while I brought out my phone and took pictures of him

"Mama kin Gani ko" he said to my mom " she put pink dye in my shampoo and she won't give me the dye remover"

"Laila give it to him kinji my dear. Since he doesn't understand a bit of play" aunty fauziya said to me.

I opened my bag and handed the dye remover over to him and then he left for his room. While my mom scolded me and we left for our home by 12:00.


Finally fixed my wattpad issue and here is another one. I'll update by Friday inshallah and it will be a double update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying the book so far

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